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Saut Gurning, Maritime Expert: PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas is very capable of developing terminal management in the regional scope

17/01/25, 09:17 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-17T02:18:12Z

 Maritime Expert of Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya Saut Gurning said that the Pelindo merger has provided a number of changes, especially in port services that lead to efficiency. With a number of transformations carried out, PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas has been very capable of developing terminal management in the regional scope. Connectivity with the hinterland also needs to be considered to support overall logistics cost efficiency.

Saut also highlighted the equipment in the terminal managed by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. According to him, the existence of reliable equipment is vital because the equipment is used for the smooth loading and unloading of containers. Good maintenance even if new equipment is needed to replace the old equipment.

In addition, adequate infrastructure also needs to be considered considering the increasing size of ships. The readiness of shipping lanes and adequate dock lengths are important for more optimal container ship services.

"The international market can add higher growth, but it is also necessary to look at the macro, how geopolitical stability also affects the growth of international trade," he concluded.

(ISL News Editorial Team/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Saut Gurning, Maritime Expert: PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas is very capable of developing terminal management in the regional scope


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