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BKI or PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero), Business Profile (English Edition)

17/01/25, 09:32 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-17T02:32:53Z

 PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) is the 4th classification body in Asia after Japan, China and Korea, and is the only national classification body tasked with classifying Indonesian-flagged merchant ships and foreign-flagged ships that regularly operate in Indonesian waters.

BKI classification activities are ship classifications based on hull construction, engine and ship electricity with the aim of providing a technical assessment of the ship's seaworthiness. In addition, BKI is also trusted by the Government to carry out surveys and statutory certification on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, including Load Line, ISM Code and ISPS Code.

BKI was formed by implementing technical standards in carrying out design, construction and marine survey activities related to floating facilities, including ships and offshore construction. These standards are prepared and issued by BKI as technical publications. 

Ships designed and built based on BKI standards will receive a Classification Certificate from BKI, where the certificate is issued after BKI completes a series of required classification surveys.

As an independent and self-regulating Classification Body, BKI has no interest in commercial aspects related to ship design, ship construction, ship ownership, ship operations, ship management, ship maintenance/repair, insurance or charter. BKI also conducts research and development in order to improve the quality and technical standards published to parties interested in ship classification services.

Seeing the increase in activities and developments as well as the fairly bright business prospects, in 1977 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as the owner of BKI attempted to increase the independence of BKI's business by changing the status of the organizational body to a Limited Liability Company, or PT (Persero) which was strengthened through Government Regulation (PP) No. 1 of 1977 concerning the Change of Form of the State-Owned Enterprise of the Indonesian Classification Bureau to a Limited Liability Company (Persero).

BKI was established to save foreign exchange for national ship inspection services and support the independence of the Indonesian maritime industry. Through the support of cooperation with Germansicher Lloyd, Germany, BKI has now become a large national classification agency. Until now, in addition to classification business activities, BKI has also developed its activities in the field of Consulting and Supervision services. Headquartered in Jakarta, BKI has a network of branch offices in major ports throughout Indonesia and Singapore. In addition, BKI also has cooperation with Foreign Classification Agencies, both in the form of Mutual Representative and Dual Class.


Company Philosophy

As a basis for managing the Company, especially in carrying out its missions and duties, the philosophy adopted by BKI Management to date is:

  1. Prioritize quality and service based on a high commitment to safety issues;
  2. Always improve the quality of the Company's Human Resources consistently and sustainably;
  3. Responsive to developments in science and technology, especially those related to ship safety and production equipment safety in the fields of oil and gas, minerals, coal and geothermal, employment, industry and transportation.


Company Objectives

The Company's objective is to enhance the Company's reputation and value by:

  1. Prioritize ensuring the safety of life and property at sea and environmental protection through the development and inspection of ship standards and other related facilities;
  2. Forming a Corporate Image, that BKI services are needed and become a standard and reference for quality;
  3. Helping to increase state revenues both in Rupiah and foreign currency;
  4. Providing opportunities for national marine experts to participate through the development of their science, knowledge and experience; and
  5. Effective and efficient company management by implementing Good Corporate Governance.


Company Values


The personality of employees who are ethical and always fight for the truth through honesty, discipline, exemplary behavior and high dedication by upholding the good name of the Company.


The professional attitude of every employee who has a high commitment to achieving the best results and exceeding the targets set through innovation and continuous improvement.


Employee efforts to unite abilities and explore each person's potential through synergy and teamwork to achieve common goals through empirical, proactive, trusting and open attitudes and behavior.

Excellent service

The attitude and behavior of employees who are friendly, greeting, polite, sincere, proactive in serving for customer satisfaction.

Environmentally Aware

The active role of employees in preserving the natural environment, work environment and business environment, maintaining good relations with work partners, the community, creating a healthy and pleasant work atmosphere and prioritizing occupational health and safety.

Customer Satisfaction

Providing satisfaction to service users through quality products and excellent services based on the goals of work ethics, namely acting immediately, responsive, disciplined, hard working, creative, clean and good-natured.


Company Culture

To achieve the Company's goals, both short-term and long-term, hard work is required by developing achievement motivation among employees, which is formulated in the company culture which is the core values ​​that must be adopted by all employees, namely the "ORDERLY" culture which contains the following meanings:

T = Piety towards God Almighty;

E = High work ethic;

R = Reputation that is constantly improved, maintained and preserved;

T = Orderly in implementing management policies and personal attitudes;

I = High science and technology that must be mastered;

B = Good in service and work results.



Jl. YosSudarso 38-40, Tanjung Priok North Jakarta 14320

email : ho@bki.co.id

+62 21 430 10 17
+62 21 430 17 03
+62 21 4393 70 21
+62 21 435 32 91
+62 21 436 19 03/04
+62 21 436 18 99


FOR  ship classification services (ship Class) PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia / BKI (Persero) or known by the  brand  name or business name BKI  Class  has 17 branch offices throughout Indonesia and 1 branch office near the Port of Singapore.

The following are the addresses of the BKI Class Branch Offices or Services   below:

Belawan Branch

Jl. Veteran No. 128 BelawanMedan 20411

Email :bn@bki.co.id

Batam  Branch

Graha BKI, Jl. YosSudarsoKav. 5, Batam 29421

Email :bm@bki.co.id

Pekanbaru  Branch

Jl. ArifinAchmad No. 40, Tangkerang Tengah Village, MarpoyanDamai District, Pekanbaru 28282

Email :pr@bki.co.id

Jambi  Branch

Jl. RadenBahrun No. E11 RT.11 / RW. 04, Kel. Sungai Putri, Kec. Telanaipura, Jambi

Email :jb@bki.co.id

Palembang  Branch

Jl. PerintisKemerdekan No. 226, 5th floor, Palembang 30115

Email :pb@bki.co.id

Banten (Cilegon)  Branch

Jl. KM Highway. 5 No. 1A Ex. Gerem,Kec. Grogol, CilegonBanten 42438

Email :cg@bki.co.id

Tanjung Priok  Branch

Jl. YosSudarso 38-40, TanjungPriok North Jakarta 14320

Email :tp@bki.co.id

Cirebon  Branch

Jl. Tuparev KM. 3, Cirebon 45153

Email :cn@bki.co.id

Semarang  Branch

Jl. Pamularsih No. 12, Semarang 50148

Email :sm@bki.co.id

Surabaya  Branch

Jl. Kalianget No. 14 Tanjung Perak Surabaya 60165

Email :sb@bki.co.id

Pontianak  Branch

Jl. GustiHamzah No. 211 Pontianak 78116

Email :pk@bki.co.id

Banjarmasin  Branch

Jl. Old Skip No. 19, Banjarmasin 70117

Email :bj@bki.co.id

Samarinda  Branch

Jl. MT Haryono No. 199, Air PutihSamarinda, East Kalimantan 75124

Email :sd@bki.co.id

Makassar  Branch

Jl. No. 28, Makassar 90115

Email :ms@bki.co.id

Bitung  Branch

Jl.BabePilar No. 53, MadidirUnet, Bitung 05516

Email :bt@bki.co.id

Ambon  Branch

Jl. Laksdya Leo Wattimena, No. 34, Passo, Ambon 97232

Email :ab@bki.co.id

Sorong  Branch

Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 140, Sorong 98414

Email :sr@bki.co.id

Singapura  Branch

7500A Beach Road #11-301, The Plaza, Singapore 199597

Email :sg@bki.co.id,  class@bki.com.sg


(* ISL News EDITORIAL Team/email: indonesiashippingline@gmail.com )


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  • BKI or PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero), Business Profile (English Edition)


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