JAKARTA INDONESIA (ISL News) - The Director of The National Maritime Institute (Namarin) Siswanto Rusdi, supports the containerization efforts carried out by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. Siswanto assessed that improvements are needed in a number of ports, especially in eastern Indonesia.
For this, it can be seen from a number of transformations carried out in several container terminals such as in Makassar, Sorong, Jayapura, Ambon, and Bitung.
On the other hand, efforts to increase the flow of foreign containers can be done by providing a terminal that functions as a transhipment hub. However, Siswanto assessed that a comprehensive study is needed with all parties including the government.
The existence of a strong ecosystem starting from bunker facilities, anchorage locations, financial and payment systems, ship guidance and delays, and other things are very much needed in realizing the dreamed international transhipment hub.
"It is time for Pelindo to expand its container terminal management portfolio to show that Indonesia is capable. If Pelindo dominates the market share domestically, it would be better if it could expand internationally, at least to Southeast Asia," said Siswanto.
(ISL News Editorial Team/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).