Iklan Top Header PT BKI (Persero)




04/12/24, 07:58 WIB Last Updated 2024-12-04T01:00:08Z

 PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim (SPJM) as one of the Subholdings of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) held an Anti-Corruption Socialization by inviting agencies at the port on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. This socialization was held as a series of events to commemorate World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) which falls on December 9, 2024.

This Anti-Corruption Socialization was held online through the zoom application. With this online socialization, SPJM can reach more participants both in all SPJM work areas and company stakeholders spread from Sabang to Merauke, with participants reaching more than ± 400 people.

Opening the event, SPJM Finance Director, Choirul Anwar said, "Corruption not only harms the country financially, but also creates an unhealthy business climate, reduces the trust of international partners, and hinders economic growth. In addition to instilling honesty in our hearts as one of the initial steps in preventing corruption, we would like to invite all Pelindo Group personnel and all stakeholder participants present on this occasion to take concrete steps through the Anti-Corruption socialization held today," said Choirul Anwar.

Choirul further said, "Today's activities are expected to provide education and information to Pelindo personnel and stakeholders regarding the prevention and eradication of corruption within the scope of Pelindo's work."

In this socialization, SPJM collaborated with PT Pelindo Regional 4 to present a competent resource person, namely the representative of the Anti-Corruption Directorate of the Corruption Eradication Commission's Business Entity, Jeji Azizi, as a speaker in this anti-corruption socialization. On this occasion, Jeji explained how to realize an anti-corruption ecosystem in the business world and its role in eradicating criminal acts of corruption. In addition, from the Pelindo Head Office, Group Head of Risk Management, Governance and Compliance of Pelindo, Usman Saroni, also provided material related to Pelindo's Good Corporate Governance Devices.

One of the most important tools is the Whistle Blowing System (WBS) which is a reporting system for indications of violations in Pelindo. This system has been integrated with the KPK RI WBS Channel (AROMA). WBS is also called Pelindo Bersih, a real program from Pelindo Group management to create a workplace that is free from fraud, corruption, and extortion through the link https://pelindo.co.id/page/whistleblowing-system .

With this socialization, SPJM builds a joint commitment to realizing an environment free from corruption and increasing awareness and understanding of all participants about the negative effects of corruption.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPJM /email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • Commemorating HAKORDIA, Pelindo Jasa Maritim or SPJM Degree ANTI-CORRUPTION SOCIALIZATION Involving PORT AGENCIES


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