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SPMT Supports KBN to Manage Kali Blencong and C 05 Terminals Marunda

06/07/24, 16:16 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-06T09:18:19Z

 – Located in the Pelindo Tower building, Friday, July 5, 2024 yesterday, PT Pelindo Multi Terminal or known as SPMT signed an agreement with the management of PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara or KBN (Persero) to optimize Bulk Loading and Unloading at Kali Blencong Marunda.

The cooperation between SPMT and KBN is also for the operation of the Marunda Bandar Indonesia (MBI) Bulk Terminal in Sector C 05 KBN Marunda.

The agreement between the two state-owned companies was carried out directly by the President Director of Pelindo Multi Terminal with Agus Hendardi, President Director of PT KBN (Persero).

It was reported in the agreement that PT SPMT will provide port services, as a supporting system, provision of pilotage and tug services, as well as other supporting port services needed by KBN at Kali Blencong Port, Marunda, and jointly prepare a management plan for Port C 05 in accordance with the competencies of each company.

(ISL News Editorial Team/email:islnewwstv@gmail.com).

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  • SPMT Supports KBN to Manage Kali Blencong and C 05 Terminals Marunda


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