BANDAR LAMPUNG (ISL News) – Today, Wednesday, July 3, 2024, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Panjang carried out the release of the First Export of Damar Resin to Ethiopia which was attended by the Acting Governor of Lampung Province, Lampung Police Chief, Head of the Lampung Province Industry and Trade Service, Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service, Head of KSOP Class 1 Panjang, General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang
Also present were the Head of OJK Lampung, Head of Bank Indonesia Lampung, Head of KPP Customs & Excise TMP B Bandar Lampung, Head of Class 1 Agricultural Quarantine Office Bandar Lampung, Head of Fish Quarantine Office, Quality Control and Safety of Lampung Fishery Products, Head of Kadin Lampung, Head of DPD Indonesian Exporters Association (GPEI) Lampung and other maritime stakeholders of Regional Port 2 Panjang.
Through CV Indonesian Commodity as the Goods Owner company that successfully exported 52 tons of damar resin with an export value of 118,000 USD which was loaded in a container that was previously going to be sent to Tanjung Priok, Jakarta.
The export ceremony activity initiated by the Lampung Province Trade and Industry Service will then be sent to six destination countries including Yemen, Tunisia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Greece.
In his remarks, the Acting Governor of Lampung Province, represented by the Assistant for General Administration, Senen Mustakim, said that the export potential of agricultural commodities from the forestry sub-sector showed encouraging developments, one of which was damar resin (shorea javanica) from Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung, which was able to penetrate six countries.
"I would like to express my appreciation to all parties involved and contributing to the achievements of Lampung Province, through the export of agricultural products that encourage MSMEs to be productive in carrying out trade activities which have so far been the leading commodities of Lampung Province, the Lampung Provincial Government together with Forkopimda and related stakeholders will continue to support and facilitate trade activities for the advancement of the Lampung Province economy," he said.
On the same occasion, the General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang expressed his gratitude to all stakeholders who had made the first export of damar resin through Regional Port 2 Panjang a success.
"As a Port Operator and as the economic gateway of Lampung Province, we are committed to continue developing in terms of improving the quality of services for both export and import activities, work productivity, more effective and efficient performance. In supporting the government's commitment to realizing Indonesia as the axis of the World Maritime. And we will always evaluate the services we provide to service users."
(ISL News Editorial Team/Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Public Relations/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).