Iklan Top Header PT BKI (Persero)




04/07/24, 07:59 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-04T01:00:49Z

 - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo continues to strive to improve services in the non-container port sector by carrying out a major transformation.

One of the strategic steps taken is to divide Pelindo into four subholdings. This step was revealed by the President Director of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal Ary Henryanto in the event "Sharing Session: Transformation of the World of Non-Container Ports in Indonesia" at the Djakarta Theater, Tuesday (2/6).

After the merger of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) on October 1, 2021, Pelindo carried out a major restructuring. This restructuring includes the formation of four subholdings, namely Container Subholding, Non-Container Subholding, Marine Subholding, Equipment & Port Services, and Logistics & Hinterland Development Subholding. This restructuring aims to optimize the organizational structure and improve operational efficiency.

Sea transport has been identified as the most efficient mode of cargo transport compared to other modes of transport, with efficiency reaching approximately 11 percent better than rail and 51 percent better than trucks.

According to Ary Henryanto, one of the focuses of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal is improving the quality of port services to create a more efficient logistics chain. The main goal of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal is to reduce port and cargo stay costs, although each terminal has its own uniqueness in each region. Most terminals in Java are unloading terminals (import), while outside Java most are loading terminals.

PT Pelindo Multi Terminal focuses on standardization of services at the loading and unloading terminal, commercial at the terminal, efficiency of terminal management, and profit growth. PT Pelindo Multi Terminal is also open to collaborating with cargo owners as strategic partners to increase productivity and commercial capacity.

In line with this, Professor of Maritime Logistics Risk at Institut Teknologi Surabaya Saut Gurning, who was also a resource person at this event, said that Pelindo's attention was quite good because currently the world is moving towards non-containers.

"I think Pelindo's attention is quite good, considering that the world is currently moving towards non-containers," said Saut.

PT Pelindo Multi Terminal went through a major and positive transformation, even before the merger. This transformation continues to be improved and perfected after the merger. This was emphasized by Executive VP Port Handling and Stevedoring FKS Logistics Wiji Dewabroto who was also one of the speakers in this discussion as well as a strategic customer of PT Pelindo.

"Actually, Pelindo, especially PT Pelindo Multi Terminal, has made many extraordinary changes even before the merger. This transformation with modernization has increased productivity, previously the unloading of grains and oil cakes in one day was only around 5,000-6,000 tons. Now with modernization, we have reached 20,000-25,000," said Wiji.

Wiji added that the dry bulk terminal in Teluk Lamong has also been operated by PT Pelindo Multi Terminal, and Wiji even claimed that this dry bulk terminal is the most modern terminal that handles dry bulk (food and feed) in Southeast Asia.

Specifically for feed, Wiji said it is also very potential, because since being transformed by PT Pelindo Multi Terminal, feed growth has continued to increase, every year the grain and oil cake cargo that is unloaded reaches 11 million tons, which is spread across 4 main ports, namely in Medan, Cilegon, Surabaya, and Makasar.

The transformation carried out by Pelindo by forming four subholdings shows the company's commitment to improving the efficiency and quality of non-container port services in Indonesia.

This step not only improves operational efficiency but also supports Indonesia's vision as a sovereign and sustainable maritime nation in accordance with the 2025-2045 RPJPN.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPMT/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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