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13/07/24, 12:44 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-13T05:46:18Z

  – On the 4th day of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council 132 held at the IMO Headquarters in London, England, Thursday (11/7), the Indonesian Delegation presented several interventions related to shipping safety.


Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Capt. Hendri Ginting, at the Session expressed his appreciation to the IMO Secretary General for the update on the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) review and data management project.


“In this regard, Indonesia emphasizes that the alignment of GISIS enhancement with the ongoing development of the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Code must be considered,” Ginting said.


Ginting explained that there are two main areas where alignment can be achieved. First, regarding the modules under GISIS. Indonesia sees the ongoing development of the MASS Code as a positive step for autonomous ship operations.


“Therefore, we believe that the GISIS module, especially the Maritime Casualties and Incident Module, can be strengthened by combining data from MASS vessels, so that it can produce a better understanding of incidents involving autonomous vessels,” he said.


Second, the implementation of Maritime Single Window (MSW) and MASS. Ginting said, Indonesia believes that MSW in GISIS can significantly improve port permits for cargo ships using the MASS system. For optimal integration, adjustments to certificates and documentation for such ships may be required.


“Indonesia believes that aligning the development of GISIS with the MASS Code can develop a future system that supports the safe and efficient operation of autonomous ships,” Ginting said.


Furthermore, as one of the co-sponsors of Document C132/15 Protection of Vital Shipping Lanes, Development in the Co-operative Mechanism for the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, Indonesia together with other Coastal States, Singapore and Malaysia, would like to express their gratitude to all donors and contributors who continue to support efforts to improve navigation safety and protect the maritime environment in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore.


“Your contribution ensures that the Straits of Malacca remain open, safe and sustainable for international shipping,” Ginting said at the Assembly.


On that occasion, Ginting represented the Indonesian Government which in 2024 acted as the Host, also inviting user countries, donors, and related stakeholders to join and attend the 15th Cooperation Forum (CF) Meeting and the 47th Tripartite Technical Experts Group (TTEG), which will be held in Bali on 21-25 October 2024.


“The meeting provides us with an excellent opportunity to discuss progress in the safety of navigation and protection of the maritime environment in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore in a conducive and friendly environment,” he said.


On the same occasion, the Indonesian Delegation also expressed its gratitude to the IMO Secretariat for providing the latest information regarding the first year of operation of the IMO Voluntary Multi-Donor Trust Fund (VMDTF).


Indonesia, Ginting explained, recognizes the importance of the role of the VMDTF in increasing the participation of developing countries, especially Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), in IMO meetings, especially meetings related to the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and Green House Gases (GHG).


“Indonesia views that the VMDTF has made a significant contribution to a more diverse and representative presence in discussions on GHG-related issues and ensuring that the voices and concerns of developing countries, small island developing states, and least developed countries are heard and taken into account in these important discussions,” Ginting concluded.

(ISL News Editorial Team/ MYN/MM/BOH /email:islnewstv@gmail.com).



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