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JICT Receives Visit from CMA CGM together with DHL

14/07/24, 10:41 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-14T03:43:15Z

 – CMA CGM together with DHL visited JICT last Saturday, July 13, 2024.

On the occasion of the visit, JICT management presented Mr. Hafiyz and Mr. Faris Assegaf as Senior Staff Key Account Seaside JICT as resource persons to explain the General Overview, Export and Import Business Processes at JICT.

Approximately 20 people attended to get to know JICT better and learn about the existing export and import flows. In addition to getting materials in the room.

Friends from DHL also had the opportunity to ask questions and see directly into the Customer Care room, Control Tower on the 7th floor to see the Ship Plan Process, Yard Plan and Control Room and visit the JICT stacking yard directly.

(ISL News Editorial Team/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • JICT Receives Visit from CMA CGM together with DHL


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