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Pelindo Regional 2 Increases Legal Forum Awareness and Mitigates Corruption Risk at Ports

05/06/24, 16:07 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-06T01:07:22Z

 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 is committed to strengthening its anti-corruption culture and minimizing legal risks in port operations. This is proven by the holding of the 2nd Regional Legal Forum with the theme "Mitigating Corruption and State Losses in BUMN from the Perspective of Law Enforcement Officials" on May 30 2024 at PT Pendidikan Maritime dan Logistik Indonesia (PMLI) Ciawi, Bogor.

This forum was attended by legal officers from 12 Pelindo Regional 2 branches and several Pelindo Subsidiaries domiciled in Jakarta, as well as representatives of Law Enforcement Officials (APH) from Polda Metro Jaya and the North Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office. This event aims to increase awareness of the laws that apply inside and outside the company, as well as understanding legal risk mitigation strategies, especially regarding Corruption and state losses.


Realizing the Importance of Legal Awareness

In his speech, Executive Director 2 Pelindo Regional 2, Drajat Sulistyo, emphasized the importance of legal awareness for workers. "We must increase the awareness and knowledge we have to understand and master the applicable laws, both in companies, the Ministry of BUMN, and the State. "The law in the book and the actions in the law must also be the same, because if they are different it means they are wrong," stressed Drajat.

Pelindo Legal Group Head, Agus Hermawan, added that the Pelindo Regional 2 Legal Forum aims to socialize the legal boundaries that apply in companies and countries to workers. Apart from that, this forum also aims to ensure that business at the port runs in accordance with applicable legal requirements in order to mitigate legal risks that may occur in the future.


Equalizing Perceptions of the Corruption Law

Regional Legal Forum 2 presented two legal expert speakers from Polda Metro Jaya and the North Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office to present material related to Law 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes (Tipikor). This aims to equalize the perception and understanding of legal officers regarding the rules and regulations related to Corruption.

Sharing Experiences and Risk Mitigation

This activity was also filled with sharing sessions with PT Pelindo's Head of Litigation Department, Dr. Sutanto SH, MH, and legal officers from 12 Pelindo Regional 2 branches. This session is a forum for sharing experiences and best practices in handling legal cases and minimizing legal risks in the port environment.


Conclusion and Continuing Commitment

Regional Legal Forum 2 closed with a plaque presentation and a group photo session. Pelindo Regional 2 is committed to continuing to hold similar activities periodically as an effort to increase legal awareness and strengthen the anti-corruption culture within the company.

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regional Public Relations 2).

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Increases Legal Forum Awareness and Mitigates Corruption Risk at Ports


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