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Teluk Lamong Terminal or TTL Wins 2024 BUMN Award, Green Port Implementation Category

21/03/24, 09:08 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-21T02:11:40Z

URABAYA (ISL News)  - PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) won the 13th BUMN Award as  Best Corporate in Implementing Green Port Policies  in the BUMN subsidiary category. This shows a strong commitment from company management in managing and implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable business practices.

President Director of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong David P Sirait said that this award was given to state-owned companies that had demonstrated extraordinary achievements and innovation in developing business. By utilizing digital technology to increase competitiveness and has made a major contribution to the nation and state.

David said that with the theme Business Reinvention for Optimizing Business Opportunities in Industry 4.0, TTL also raised important issues about change and adaptation in facing an increasingly advanced and modern industrial era. The hope is that the company can adapt to technological developments and customer preferences to remain the main driver in the Indonesian economy.

"Thank you and high appreciation to all Teluk Lamong Terminal personnel, stakeholders, work partners and service users for their support so far, so that the TTL business can continue to develop and contribute to the progress of Indonesian logistics," said PT Terminal Teluk Lamong Managing Director  David P Sirait  through his press statement, Wednesday (20/3/2024).

Furthermore, David, said this award was proof of PT's efforts. Teluk Lamong Terminal in developing and implementing policies that focus on environmental and sustainability aspects. Through the implementation of the  Green Port policy , the company contributes to reducing negative impacts on the environment and promoting the use of new, renewable energy.

He also explained that TTL has carried out many environmentally sound programs in 2023, such as  "Greenerse"  a movement to plant trees in the terminal area by employees and work partners,  "Green Wallet" raising awareness of the importance of sorting waste by recording using an application for each employee, the "Green Wallet "   program.  Recycling Used Ablution Water  into clean water and reuse it for domestic purposes, using  "Solar Cells"  and so on.

"Not only focusing on business and environmental growth, TTL is also carrying out digital transformation and developing superior human resource talent. "Because TTL is committed to continuing to improve the quality of its human resources in order to achieve bigger goals," added David.

David, who was present to receive the award, directly said that TTL had proven itself as one of the BUMN subsidiaries that was successful in implementing sustainable business practices and had a positive impact on the environment and surrounding communities.

"Hopefully this award can be a motivation for us to achieve even more brilliant achievements in the future and TTL can strengthen its position as a driving force for the national economy," concluded David.

(Editor of ISL News/Corcom TTL/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).


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  • Teluk Lamong Terminal or TTL Wins 2024 BUMN Award, Green Port Implementation Category


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