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Teluk Lamong Terminal give help CSR Assistance in the environmental sector to one of the State Middle Schools

21/03/24, 09:18 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-21T02:19:10Z

- Teluk Lamong Terminal has again handed over CSR assistance in the environmental sector to one of the State Middle Schools in the ring 1 area, namely SMP Negeri 63 Surabaya. 
This assistance is in the form of installation of planting media and hydroponic seeds.

This assistance is used as a learning medium for students and increases awareness about greening. Cultivation using the hydroponic method is the most effective way to take advantage of increasingly narrow land conditions.

The delivery of this aid is a commitment from Teluk Lamong Terminal to support the realization of the Adiwiyata school for SMPN 63 Surabaya. With the Adiwiyata program, it is hoped that the entire community around the school will realize that a green environment is a healthy environment for bodily health.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Teluk Lamong Terminal give help CSR Assistance in the environmental sector to one of the State Middle Schools


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