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Two Cruise Ships Berthing Alternately at TANJUNG PERAK Harbor, Proof of Surabaya's Tourist Attraction

21/03/24, 08:43 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-21T01:43:15Z

URABAYA (ISL News) - 2 (two) cruise ships berthing alternately over a period of 2 (two) consecutive days occurred again at Tanjung Perak Port in March 2024. Previously this happened in November 2023.

The two cruise ships are the MS Seven Mariner cruise ship on (15/03/2024) followed by the Viking Orion cruise ship on (16/03). The Bahamas-flagged Ms Seven Seas Mariner cruise ship carries a total of 621 passengers and crew, while the Norwegian-flagged Viking Orion carries a total of 891 passengers and crew from various parts of the world.

The MS Seven Mariner cruise ship with a GT (Gross Tonnage) of 48,075 GT and LOA (Length Over All) of 216.1 MTR arrived at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya on (15/03) at 08.00 WIB, while the Viking Orion arrived at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya (16/ 03) at 10.00 WIB. Pelindo Sub regional 3 Java provides various entertainment and facilities for tourists, one of which is typical East Javanese entertainment, namely the Reog Ponorogo Dance. Not only that, Pelindo Sub Regional 3 Java also provides various kinds of MSME outlets which provide various souvenirs, batik, as well as typical East Javanese food and drinks, and money changers are available to make it easier for tourists to exchange money.

General Manager of Kalimas and GSN Pelindo Sub Regional 3 Java, Dhany Rachmad Agustian said that this was the second time that 2 (two) cruise ships had visited Tanjung Perak for 2 (two) consecutive days.

"The intensity of cruise ship arrivals in 2024 is quite high, this year there are 14 cruise ships that have entered our list and there are already around 4 ships that have docked at Tanjung Perak Harbor and there are 8 more cruise ships that will arrive in mid-November. until December 2024, while in 2023 there will be 12-13 cruise ships docking at Tanjung Perak Harbor," added Dhany.

The plan is for foreign tourists to tour tourist attractions in Surabaya such as Kampung Lawas Maspati, Heroes Monument, Kepanjen Church, Sanggar Agung in Kenpark, to the Customs Market and Genteng Market. However, there are also those who like heritage nuanced tour packages such as Tunjungan, Hotel Majapahit, Joko Dolog, and City Hall.

Tourists can use the services of Travel Bureau with various tour packages. Pelindo Sub Regional 3 Java also provides several buses and cars for use by tour and travel services to transport tourists to visit various tourist attractions in Surabaya. And various other vehicle options are also provided, such as online taxis in collaboration with the Grab company to take tourists around to various destinations.

Apart from the MSME outlets displaying various types of typical Indonesian batik cloth, this time there was a special event held by PT. Port of Indonesia (Persero) Regional 3 welcomed the arrival of the Seven Seas Mariner cruise ship, namely a fashion show and batik exhibition inspired by the beauty of the sea and Indonesian culture. This maritime batik fashion show is the work of Klampar resident Batik UMKM, Pamekasan which was designed into clothing by designer Embran Nawawi. The batik exhibition also presents various superior batik products from various regions in Indonesia.

Juju Juarsih Regional Division of Human Resources and GENERAL Services Pelindo Regional 3 said that the activity which was held at the same time as the arrival of the Cruise was a form of Pelindo's commitment to supporting the development of batik MSMEs in Indonesia. while promoting UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage to the international arena.

"Pelindo as a state-owned company has a responsibility to help develop the people's economy, one of which is by helping batik MSMEs to move up in class. We hope that with this activity, Indonesian batik will become increasingly known internationally and can improve the welfare of batik craftsmen," said Juju Juarsih

This event was held at the Gapura Surya Nusantara Passenger Terminal, Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, Friday (15/03). This activity was attended by representatives of the East Java Provincial Government, Surabaya City Government, Widya Mandala University and Batik MSME actors from Klampar, Pamekasan as MSMEs assisted by Pelindo.

(Editor of ISL News/Regional 3 Surabaya Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).
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  • Two Cruise Ships Berthing Alternately at TANJUNG PERAK Harbor, Proof of Surabaya's Tourist Attraction


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