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Program Ramadhan Peduli 2024/1445 Hijriah, MTI shares Takzil and Shares To Yatim Piatu

29/03/24, 15:34 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-29T08:35:02Z

 - As an embodiment of gratitude and concern for others in the month of Ramadhan 1445 H/ 2024, PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (PT MTI), through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program is carrying out Pelindo's Sharing Ramadhan activities in 2024.

Pelindo shares Ramadhan. In 2024, PT MTI will carry out 3 caring program actions for others, namely providing 50 shares  packages for Yatim, 250 Ramadhan takjil packages for truck drivers and distributing 500 free basic food packages to TKBM workers who work in several warehouse and field locations. PT MTI.

This time, Plt. The main director of PT MTI, Yandri Trisaputra to representatives of orphans and TKBM at MTI Palembang. "This year's Ramadhan sharing activities are different from previous years, where last year the Ramadhan sharing activities were only in the MTI Jakarta area, this year it covers the areas of Palembang, Lampung, Pontianak, Makassar, Semarang and Surabaya," said Yandri.

"The distribution of basic food packages, compensation for orphans and distribution of Takzil is in line with the company's commitment to provide benefits to the community, especially in the company's work areas," he added.

(ISL News Editorial/MTI Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Program Ramadhan Peduli 2024/1445 Hijriah, MTI shares Takzil and Shares To Yatim Piatu


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