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Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Again Invites Disabled People to Upgrade to Classes in Understanding Digital Marketing

08/03/24, 16:07 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-08T09:08:45Z

 PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas invited 50 people with disabilities from the MSME Association of Persons with Disabilities (IKADI) East Java to get to know digital marketing. This was done by the company to support the marketing of snack products which are the mainstay of IKADI East Java MSMEs. So far they are still selling products conventionally.

PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Corporate Secretary Widyaswendra said that apart from gaining knowledge about digital marketing, IKADI East Java MSMEs will also be accompanied by competent personnel for 1 year. Later, monitoring and evaluation will be carried out to determine steps to improve and increase the abilities of people with disabilities.

"Most of the participants are disabled people, through Pelindo's Inspirational Friends Program entitled 2024 Independent Disability MSME Program, we hope that our brothers and sisters can gain new knowledge to support them in their work. "Apart from that, we also provide business capital assistance," said Widyaswendra, Thursday (07/03/2024).

Chief Executive of IKADI MSMEs with Disabilities, Syamsul Muarif, added that IKADI East Java's target is for products for people with disabilities to be widely circulated on the market, both in typical Surabaya souvenir outlets and in E-Commerce. Today's first step starts with studying market tastes online.

"They will start by making snacks from processed bananas in 55 gram packages which will be marketed at a price of IDR 5,000. The target is to sell 200 packages per day so they can pocket one million rupiah every day," said Syamsul.

Previously, on Tuesday (05/03) PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas also distributed scholarships to around 60 elementary to high school students in collaboration with the Barunawati Biru Surabaya Foundation (YBBS).

(Editor of ISL News/Corcom Pelindo Terminal Petikemas).

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  • Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Again Invites Disabled People to Upgrade to Classes in Understanding Digital Marketing


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