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Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur Remains Operational, Not Affected by Floods in Padang City

08/03/24, 15:08 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-08T08:13:06Z

 Since Thursday, March 7 2024, heavy rain has hit Padang City and affected almost the entire area of ​​Padang City by flooding. However, the rain and floods that hit Padang City did not hamper the operational activities of Teluk Bayur Port.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) Regional 2 Teluk Bayur ensures that all operational activities, including loading and unloading services and ship services, will continue to run normally on Friday, March 8 2024.

To ensure smooth operations, Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur always coordinates with related parties to ensure the smooth distribution process of goods entering and exiting through Teluk Bayur Port, especially with the Head of Harbor Master and Port Authority (KSOP) Kalas II Teluk Bayur and the Navigation District as regulator.

Regional General Manager 2 Teluk Bayur, Mr. Capt. Medi Kusmana said, "apart from ensuring the smooth loading and unloading process, Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur also always strives to maintain safety from the sea side, namely safety during the ship berthing process, so that all ships can be berthed safely at the Teluk Bayur Port pier." he said.

He also said, to anticipate the possibility of rainfall with even higher water discharge, Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur has anticipated this by cleaning the drainage channels along Route 2 of Teluk Bayur Port. "So that if the rain falls even heavier than yesterday, the situation will be safe because the drainage channels are running smoothly and can function well," he concluded.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur Remains Operational, Not Affected by Floods in Padang City


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