MAKASSAR (ISL News) - H. Abdul Azis was officially appointed as Executive Director 4 at Regional 4 of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) through a Handover and Taking the Oath of Office led by the Main Director of Pelindo Arif Suhartono in a hybrid manner via the zoom application some time ago.
Apart from changing officials within the Company, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Management also changed the nomenclature title of Regional Head to become Executive Director.
The appointment of H. Abdul Azis as Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4 or previously known as Regional Head 4 Pelindo, replaces Enriany Muis who switched duties to become Main Director of PT Kaltim Kariangau Terminal (KKT), a subsidiary of Pelindo, a joint venture with the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
The appointment of H. Abdul Azis, who previously served as President Director of PT Kaltim Kariangau Terminal, based on the Decree of the Directors of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Number KP.10.02/29/2/1/RKTK/UTMA/PLND-24 dated 29 February 2024.
In his direction, Pelindo's Main Director Arif Suhartono said that rotation within an organization is a natural thing with the aim of Pelindo being able to run better and more powerfully.
According to him, taking the oath of office is also an important thing to witness by colleagues and especially God Almighty.
"It is hoped that the newly appointed officials will be able to make an even better contribution to the company. "Congratulations on carrying out your duties, hopefully Pelindo will be even better in the future," concluded Arif.
Meanwhile, when taking the oath of office, H. Abdul Azis stated that he would carry out the tasks given with full honesty, dedication and responsibility.
(ISL News Editorial/Regional Public Relations Head 4).