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Pelindo Prepares 63 Passenger & Roro Terminals, Ahead of Mudik Lebaran iedul Fitri 2024/1445/Hijriah

22/03/24, 07:41 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-22T00:49:16Z

JAKARTA (ISL News) - Pelindo ensures the readiness of passenger and roro terminal facilities and infrastructure ahead of the 2024 Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri besok. In total there are 63 passenger and roro terminals spread throughout Indonesia, namely Regional 1 has 11 terminals, Regional 2 has 9 terminals, Regional 3 has 21 terminals available, and Regional 4 has 22 terminals available.

"In 2023, Pelindo will serve 1.9 million passengers who use sea transportation to return home for Eid. The movement of people during the 2024 Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri is predicted to increase to 2.09 million passengers, referring to last year's realization. "Facing this, management has prepared facilities, added internal operational officers and security from the TNI/Polri, increased inspection of passenger luggage and socialized all service rates at the passenger terminal to the public, which is targeted to run smoothly, safely, orderly and safely," said Group Head of Pelindo Corporate Secretariat, Ardhy Wahyu Basuki.

Pelindo is also synergizing with port stakeholders in terms of the 2024 Integrated Eid Transport Post. Pelindo together with the Port Harbormaster and Authority Office (KSOP), the Port Health Office (KKP), the Port Security Implementation Unit (KPPP) and Government Agencies around other ports carry out monitoring and controlling passenger flow, including checking passenger travel requirements and providing information facilities to passengers.

Apart from that, Pelindo has carried out renovations at several passenger terminals such as the Kijang Terminal in Tanjungpinang, Palembang, Biak, Bitung and Makassar so that they can serve passengers better and are supported by more facilities.


"Facilities such as a passenger waiting room, prayer room, lactation room, body temperature checker, and security personnel are prepared to ensure that passengers remain safe, healthy and smooth," said Tanjungpinang General Manager, Darwis.

In addition, Pelindo has prepared a number of anticipatory steps to deal with bad weather predictions, such as at the Tanjung Emas Port Branch, Semarang.

 "We have provided 56 pumps and they are spread from the outermost points such as Jalan Yos Sudarso, Post 1, Jalan Musang, Jalan Asahan, Jalan Ampenan, Passenger Terminal, Ocean Pier, Al-Mannar Mosque, Arterial Entrance Road, Jalan Usman Janatin, Jalan M "Pardi, RTK Timur, Prosecutor's Office, Ujung Jalan Deli, along the main road Jalan Coaster which is a vulnerable point for tidal floods," said General Manager of Tanjung Emas, Hardianto.

Reflecting on last year's support for the smooth flow of homecoming, especially on the Java-Sumatra route, Pelindo is preparing to reopen Ciwandan Port, in Cilegon on D-7 to D-1 for class I, II, III (Motorcycle) and class VIB vehicles, VII (Truck) to serve ferry routes. This was done as part of the Government's strategy to reduce queue density on the Merak–Bakaheuni crossing route.

“Now Pelindo's passenger terminal is getting better. "We are making efforts to realize a cheerful and meaningful homecoming not only through providing comfortable passenger terminal facilities, but also optimal 24/7 port operational services during the homecoming period," concluded Ardhy.

(Editor of ISL News/Corsec Pelindo Pusat/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Prepares 63 Passenger & Roro Terminals, Ahead of Mudik Lebaran iedul Fitri 2024/1445/Hijriah


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