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Pelindo Regional 4 Wins "Outstanding Business Ethics of The Year" CNN Indonesia Awards 2024

22/03/24, 19:27 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-22T12:29:53Z

 – PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) succeeded in winning an award in the "Outstanding Business Ethics of the Year" category at the 2024 CNN Indonesia Awards "From South Sulawesi to the Archipelago" which was held at the Phinisi Ballroom, Claro Hotel, Makassar on Thursday evening ( March 21, 2024).

The award given for the business ethics carried out by Pelindo, especially in the Regional 4 region, was received directly by the Executive Director 4 of Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis.

In his remarks, the Main Director of CNN Indonesia, Titin Rosmasari, stated that he was proud to present the first awards event held by CNN Indonesia, which could be a strong resonance for spreading various inspiring stories.

"And we believe that good governance is the key to successful government and organizational administration in accelerating regional and Indonesian progress," he said.

Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis expressed his gratitude for the award given to the Company. 

“This award is very special, especially for Pelindo. "This is a beautiful moment and we hope that in the future it can be even bigger," said Azis.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) itself received this award based on an assessment in Regional 4 which had recorded brilliant performance by successfully recording a growth trend in the number of ship passengers and goods on average above 100% throughout 2023.

Pelindo Regional 4 recorded an increase in performance last year by improving business process standardization services and digitalization transformation.

Based on existing data, Pelindo Regional 4 is known to be able to realize ship flow performance that has grown by 10.65%, namely to 437,332,884 GT in 2023, compared to the previous year which was 395,234,436 GT. There was also an increase in the realization of goods and passenger flows with an average growth trend also above 100%.

Meanwhile, in terms of the total flow of goods, Pelindo Regional 4, which oversees 22 ports in Eastern Indonesia (KTI), recorded growth of 37.50%, namely from 31,363,790 tons/m3 to 43,124,530 tons/m3 last year. Passenger flow also recorded growth of 15.75%, namely in 2022 as many as 5,796,957 people to 6,709,980 people in 2023.

With the achievements of Pelindo Regional 4, Executive Director 4 of Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis, said that his party continues to maintain this by carrying out various main strategies that have been planned.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, ST Burhanuddin, who was also present at this prestigious event, hopes that the 2024 CNN Indonesia Awards can encourage a number of parties to carry out their duties better.

"So that awareness understands and applies the principles of good governance at all levels and can become a driver of governance in Indonesia," said Burhanuddin.

He also said that giving this award should not only be used as a ceremonial event but also as an appreciation for both the Government, BUMN, BUMD and the private sector to continue to collaborate, synergize and improve good governance in their environment.

Also attending the event, CT Corp Founder. Chairul Tanjung, Head of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, Acting. Governor of South Sulawesi Bahtiar Baharuddin and a number of other invited guests.

(ISL News Editorial/Regional Public Relations 4/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Regional 4 Wins "Outstanding Business Ethics of The Year" CNN Indonesia Awards 2024


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