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Tanjung Priok Class I Sea and Coast Guard Base Participates in 2024 Directorate General of Sea Transportation Working Meeting

26/02/24, 18:53 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-26T11:54:25Z

 The Tanjung Priok Class I Sea and Coast Guard Base took part in the 2024 Directorate General of Sea Transportation Working Meeting which was held in Jakarta today, Monday (26/2/2024). The event was attended by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi.

Tanjung Priok Class I Marine and Coastal Guard Base prepared honorary team members and played a role by presenting a boarding officer demonstration. This demonstration is an effort to show the capabilities and skills possessed to support the smooth running of maritime operations.

Also present at the activity were the Echelon I ranks of the Ministry of Transportation and all Heads of UPT within the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.

In his remarks, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, emphasized the importance of simplifying systems and integrating digitalization services. "We are making the system simpler, becoming one, don't have all the directorates create a system that creates a lot of digitization and is confusing. Do it consistently from the center, we even created a screen at the Ministry of Transportation, where people can see how sea highways and permits are managed properly," he said

The Tanjung Priok Class I Sea and Coast Guard Base is committed to continuing to support the government's efforts to improve the efficiency and reliability of sea transportation. Through strong collaboration and synergy, we are confident that we can realize the vision of better sea transportation for Indonesia's progress.

(Editor of ISL News/PR of PLP class 1 Tanjung Priok).

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  • Tanjung Priok Class I Sea and Coast Guard Base Participates in 2024 Directorate General of Sea Transportation Working Meeting


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