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PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk or IPCC Holds Issuer Discussion and Site Visit with Pontianak capital market investors

26/02/24, 07:25 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-26T00:26:33Z


 - Taking place in Pontianak February 2024. PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk (IPCC) held Issuer Talks and Site Visits with capital market investors in the West Kalimantan region by collaborating with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama (PII) as the event organizer.

The routine agenda for the IPCC Issuer Discussion, which took place at the Golden Tulip Hotel Pontianak, featured the Main Director of the IPCC, the Head of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) West Kalimantan Region, and the General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Pontianak.

"We appreciate IPCC for this activity because it has the potential to create new investors and provide education for investors who already own IPCC shares. Education related to investment like this is important and needs to be carried out regularly because it has an impact on both the company and investors. "Considering that the West Kalimantan region is the region with the largest transactions compared to other Kalimantan regions," said Taufan Febiola as Head of the BEI West Kalimantan Region.

On this occasion, the President Director of PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk, Sugeng Mulyadi had the opportunity to deliver a presentation regarding performance and business updates as well as re-introducing shares of the company "IPCC" as an investment instrument in the port sector which has good potential for the future and in 2024 In this regard, IPCC will consistently fulfill its vision as a world class car terminal ecosystem and become an integrated car terminal network in Indonesia.

"Go to school so you understand. When you come home, stop by to buy fish."

"Good Morning, IPCC Stock Investors, there will definitely be profits in the future."

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk or IPCC Holds Issuer Discussion and Site Visit with Pontianak capital market investors


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