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IPC TPK Supports IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF TEACHING and LEARNING in Barunawati Foudations Tanjung Priok

22/02/24, 16:40 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-22T09:42:04Z

 IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK, a subsidiary of Pelindo Terminal Petikemas, is again implementing the Social & Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Program around Tanjung Priok Port. The TJSL program providing educational facilities in the form of Smart TVs was delivered to the Barunawati Nusantara Foundation, Tanjung Priok in order to improve the quality of inclusive education around Tanjung Priok Harbor and as a form of concern for the quality of the world of education.

Chairman of the Barunawati Nusantara Foundation, Sumastri Sarwasih expressed his appreciation to IPC TPK for the educational facilities provided. Currently we have 1 television unit which is used in 1 class out of a total of 6 classes. This assistance is very useful in supporting the smoothness of the teaching and learning process so that it can be maximized.

This year IPC TPK distributed educational facilities in the form of 5 55 inch 4K Smart TV units for the Barunawati Nusantara Foundation. Previously in 2020, IPC TPK distributed financial aid in the form of 36 sets of chairs and study tables to the Barunawati Nusantara Foundation.

The Main Director of IPC TPK, Guna Mulyana, explained that this assistance was a form of the company's concern, especially in the field of education for residents around the Tanjung Priok area. IPC TPK is committed to implementing the TJSL program by targeting 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 3 focus areas, namely Education, Environment and MSME Development.

"Hopefully the assistance that has been provided can provide benefits for students and teachers who teach, so that they can produce leaders in the future." close Use.

Thus, IPC TPK not only provides container loading and unloading services to customers but also realizes its commitment to improving the quality of education through the provision of supporting facilities.

(Editor of ISL News/Corcom IPC TPK).

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  • IPC TPK Supports IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF TEACHING and LEARNING in Barunawati Foudations Tanjung Priok


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