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Pelindo Regional 4 Gives 1000 Safety Vests to JPT Drivers, to Improve Work Safety

03/02/25, 10:32 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-03T03:32:44Z

 The Head of the Makassar Harbor Master and Main Port Authority Office appreciates the efforts of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) in providing 1,000 Safety Vests for Transportation Service Drivers as part of the company's commitment to improving work safety and creating a safer operational environment.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Makassar Main Harbormaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP), Capt. Sahattua P. Simatupang in his remarks at the "Submission of 1,000 Safety Vests for Transportation Service Drivers" in order to commemorate the 2025 National K3 Month at the TPK New Makassar Office, Friday (31/1/2025).

"We need an inspiring innovation like this, namely the distribution of vests for drivers of transportation services at the port. This is a small thing, but sometimes we can forget. Therefore, I want these vests to really be distributed to those who should use them," said Capt. Sahattua in front of all Pelindo Group Officials in the Makassar work area and association leaders at the Port of Makassar who attended the event.

According to him, the provision of vests to Transportation Management Service (JPT) Drivers is a strategic step to ensure that all those entering the Makassar Port area have been verified and detected because the port is a vital state-owned object.

"The vest is also a sign that anyone who works at Makassar Port has been verified and protected. Therefore, this vest must be used while the JPT driver is in the port area. Because this vest is also an identity," he said.

"I express my gratitude and high appreciation for this effort. This effort can also be an example for other ports," added the Head of KSOP Utama Makassar.

The Chairman (DPW) of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI/ILFA) of South and West Sulawesi (Sulselbar) Syaifuddin Syahrudi also expressed his gratitude for Pelindo's concern for JPT drivers.

"We also always try to make this port more organized and better," said Syaifuddin.

According to him, the provision of vests to JPT drivers is also an effort to make the port better and more organized. "Thank you for all the support from Pelindo to us, the association at the port," he said.

Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis said that the provision of safety vests aims to increase awareness and implementation of work safety culture at the port.

"As one of the important actors in the port logistics chain, JPT drivers have high risks in their daily operational activities. Therefore, we want to ensure that their presence during activities in the port area has adequate safety equipment according to requirements," he said.

“Occupational safety is our top priority, and we will continue to support efforts to create a safer work environment for all parties,” concluded Abdul Azis.

Head of Terminal TPK New Makassar, I Nyoman Sutrisna added that the provision of the vests was also so that his party could monitor the presence of all JPT drivers while at the port.

"In any case, drivers must work safely and securely at Pelindo's ports. In addition, so that the port is safe and away from things that we do not want together," said Nyoman.

The provision of safety vests is also a real form of Pelindo's commitment as part of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which is the driving force of the national logistics sector in supporting the National K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) program.

With this initiative, Pelindo hopes to increase awareness of the importance of occupational safety in the port environment.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations of Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).  

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  • Pelindo Regional 4 Gives 1000 Safety Vests to JPT Drivers, to Improve Work Safety


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