MAKASSAR INDONESIA (ISL News) - PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim (SPJM) as one of the subholdings of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), ended 2024 with positive performance and succeeded in strengthening its business existence in all its main business streams . This is certainly inseparable from SPJM's continuous efforts through a sustainable transformation program to always prioritize service excellence for service users.
"Some of the SPJM Group's business segments, especially those managed by subsidiaries, experienced an increase compared to 2023, such as delays, docking, flow management, fuel and gas distribution, and the provision of clean water and electricity. Of course, this is also the result of corporate action efforts to refine the business where each business focus stream is arranged to align the business processes of each entity so that services can be more effective. In addition, along with operational growth which of course also has a positive impact on revenue performance and is balanced by cost optimization," explained SVP of SPJM Corporate Secretary, Tubagus Patrick TUI.
From the company's unaudited report, the SPJM Group's marine business segment , namely the realization of pilotage reached 642,821 Movements, and delays reached 5.25 Billion GT hours due to increased traffic at several service locations. The SPJM dredging service segment reached 663,121 M3 . Docking services reached 49 units, which shows the consistency of the SPJM group in implementing fleet maintenance to ensure smooth service. SPJM also serves channel management, which in 2024 reached 27,302,975 Tons.
In addition to the marine, dredging, and docking business segments , SPJM also recorded positive performance in the utility segment, which consists of Fuel and gas distribution, clean water and electricity provision, waste management, and oil spill response (OSR). SPJM's fuel distribution reached 62,156 KL with the addition of fuel sales distribution areas. Gas distribution reached 13,972,152 MMBTU. Clean water provision reached 2,619,385 tons. Electricity provision reached 206,093,491 KwH, which was due to an increase in the realization of electricity usage in several operational tenants.
In the equipment segment, SPJM also showed performance that was not inferior to other segments. Availability (equipment availability) reached 90.83%. In addition, SPJM managed to cut the Mean Time Repair (MTTR) to 4 hours, making it 1 hour shorter than the previous 5 hours in 2023.
Sustainable transformation was also successfully implemented throughout 2024, including through the implementation of an integrated ship service system (Phinnisi) at 31 SPJM work locations, the implementation of planning and control- based ship operation services and the implementation of Hub and Site where ship service planning and monitoring are carried out at the Hub port that handles the site ports below it. One example is the Benoa Hub in the Bali and Nusa Tenggara (Balinusra) area which controls 11 site ports below it, including: Benoa, Celukan Bawang, Lembar, Bima, Badas, Waingapu, Kalabahi, Maumere, Ende, Labuan Bajo, Kupang, so that it has a positive impact on significant cost efficiency and the achievement of centralized operational risk control.
"SPJM always strives to manage company resources effectively in line with the achievement of the company's strategic targets, in addition to the commitment to improving HR competency and also awareness of occupational safety and health that continues to be applied in services so that work accidents can be minimized. The integrated digitalization process to monitor the smooth progress of services and reduce bureaucracy and provide ease of service, especially for the administrative flow of services for service users, is also continuously carried out by providing qualified IT systems and service applications," said Patrick.
Patrick further said, "future targets will be bigger and SPJM will focus on strengthening business and service excellence to support SPJM Group's business expansion efforts. The achievements throughout 2024 certainly cannot be separated from the role of service users who have given their trust to SPJM Group for all of its business activities and for that we give the highest appreciation. We will continue to be committed to maintaining public trust through real contributions both through improving performance and concern for the environment and community welfare through the company's Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) programs, which throughout 2024 have been realized in various fields including social pillars (Health, Education, welfare), economy (clean energy, partnerships, reducing inequality), environment (handling climate change, sustainable settlements, marine and land ecosystems), and governance law (peace, justice and strong institutions). In line with this and for continuous improvement, we expect service users to always provide feedback and suggestions for us to continue to develop. We would like to remind you that we are always ready to be contacted through our call center ," said Patrick, reiterating that the SPJM Call Center is on standby 24/7 and can be contacted via +62-8115-3507-878.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPJM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).