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Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways (CTP Tollways) Organize Event National K3 Month, Prioritizes Worker Health and Safety

01/02/25, 16:03 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-01T09:05:38Z

 Commemorating the 2025 National Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Month, PT Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways (CTP Tollways) held a routine medical check-up (MCU) for workers. As the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) of the Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road (JTCC), CTP Tollways is committed to creating a healthy, safe, and productive work environment.


Director of CTP Tollways, Erwan Winanto, said that the implementation of MCU aims to carry out early detection of health problems in order to prevent the risk of complications with fast and appropriate treatment.


"MCU also plays a role in identifying work-related health disorders so they can be prevented before they develop more seriously," he said.


In this MCU activity, CTP Tollways collaborated with the Port Medical Center (PMC) Tanjung Priok and involved 40 workers. The health checks carried out covered various aspects, such as physical examination, eyes, thorax, blood, urine, x-ray, ECG, treadmill, blood sugar, triglycerides, uric acid, SGOT, SGPT, HbaAg, spirometry, audiometry, occupation, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, urea, creatinine, and drug tests.


In addition to the MCU program, CTP Tollways also initiated the Employee Wellbeing Program (EWP) as part of efforts to maintain health and increase worker productivity. This program includes various routine activities, such as morning exercise every Friday,  health talk  with health experts, and blood donation.


“We want to ensure that employees remain fit and productive, in line with the K3 principle that places safety and health as the top priority,” added Erwan.


With these initiatives, CTP Tollways as part of Subholding PT Pelindo Solisi Logistik affirms its commitment to creating a healthy and safe working environment. Through a sustainable health program, the company ensures that workers remain in prime condition as the main asset and the front guard in maintaining the quality of service for toll road users. This is in line with the spirit of National K3 Month which emphasizes the importance of a culture of safety and health in the workplace.


(Editorial ISL News/Corcom CTP Tollways/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways (CTP Tollways) Organize Event National K3 Month, Prioritizes Worker Health and Safety


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