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Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL Successfully Realizes 31 TJSL Programs Throughout 2024

12/01/25, 15:28 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-12T08:28:42Z

 PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (“SPSL”) has successfully realized 31 Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Programs in 2024. The implementation of the TJSL program is focused on three priority areas, namely the environment, education, and economic development. Through various program initiatives, SPSL has also made a positive contribution to improving the welfare of communities around the operational area while supporting the achievement of 10 of the 17 goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's).

SPSL Corporate Secretary SVP, Kiki M. Hikmat, explained that in the environmental sector, the company has implemented 7 programs that have a positive impact on nature conservation and community empowerment. Among these programs are the biodiversity rehabilitation program for the rare cayratia trifolia (lakum) fruit nursery in Mempawah, West Kalimantan, the creation of an arboretum for natural batik dye plants in Kendal, and mangrove rehabilitation carried out in several of the company's work areas.

In the field of education, SPSL has implemented 10 programs aimed at expanding access to education while improving the quality of public education. These programs include providing scholarships, providing educational support assistance, and soft skill training and certification. One of the leading programs in this field is providing training and certification for 30 Kalibaru residents, where the economic benefits can now be felt directly by the community through the acceptance of jobs with the certification obtained.

In the field of economic development, SPSL launched a total of 8 programs that focus on empowering the community's economy, especially for vulnerable groups and people with disabilities. These programs include increasing the capacity of blind people with disabilities by providing training and certification for blind massage through the Pijar (Pijat Netra Berdikari) program, the Pelopor (Pelindo Zero Accident port) program by providing occupational health and safety education to workers working in the company's operational area, empowerment and development of disabled MSMEs and the Pelita (Pelindo Lingkungan Tanpa Anak Stunting ) program .

Outside of priority areas, SPSL also implements 5 other programs such as the Pelindo Berbagi Program, the Mudik Bersama Pelindo Program, and also at the end of 2024, the provision of supporting facilities for learning activities at the Nirmala Elderly School, Sunter. Through these programs, the company shows its concern for sustainable social development and efforts to improve the welfare of the community.

The number of TJSL activities implemented in 2024 was realized by 163% compared to the realization in the previous year. In implementing these TJSL activities, the Company also involved employees to be directly involved in implementing the program through the Employee Social Responsibility (ESR) scheme. It was recorded that 275 employees were involved in the implementation of TJSL in 2024 SPSL.

Overall, by 2024 the TJSL SPSL program has had a positive impact on more than 2,500 beneficiaries, 11 institutions and 13 community groups who have received various forms of support.

SPSL President Director, Joko Noerhudha, said that the Company is always trying to increase the Company's role in empowering and improving the quality of life of the community through TJSL activities.  

The commitment to implementing sustainability principles through SPSL's TJSL program has received external recognition where SPSL won an award at the 2024 Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT).

“This award is concrete evidence of SPSL’s dedication in supporting the principles of sustainability and SPSL’s active role in encouraging social and environmental development. We believe that these initiatives not only provide direct impacts to the community, but also strengthen our position in supporting the achievement of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals which are increasingly becoming a major focus in today’s era. SPSL strives to ensure that every initiative taken is in line with the principles of transparent governance, measurable social responsibility, and responsible environmental management, along with the achievement of sustainable long-term success,” concluded Joko.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPSL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL Successfully Realizes 31 TJSL Programs Throughout 2024


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