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BKI (Persero) Enthusiastically Celebrates National K3 Month 2025

13/01/25, 08:08 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-13T01:12:05Z

 – PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia or BKI (Persero) is enthusiastically participating in celebrating the 2025 National K3 Month with the theme: “Strengthening Human Resource Capacity in Supporting the Implementation of the K3 Management System (SMK3) to Increase Productivity”.

More than an annual agenda, National K3 Month is also a momentum to strengthen collective commitment involving collaboration from all levels to improve the implementation of K3 at the national level, thus providing a greater contribution to the development of our nation.

Let's collaborate to raise awareness that safety starts from ourselves, today and from small things to create a safe, healthy and secure environment! 

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom PT BKI (Persero)/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • BKI (Persero) Enthusiastically Celebrates National K3 Month 2025


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