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Pelindo Regional 4 Receives Appreciation for Actively Supporting NLE Program

23/01/25, 14:30 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-23T07:31:24Z

 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 4 has been actively collaborating and participating in supporting the implementation of the National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE) program nationally and for these efforts has succeeded in achieving achievements by winning appreciation and awards.

The award was presented by the Head of the DJBC Regional Office for South Sulawesi, Djaka Kusmartata and received by the Division Head of Operations Services for Pelindo Regional 4, Yusida M. Palesang at the 2025 International Customs Day Commemoration event held at the State Finance Building II Makassar, Wednesday (January 22, 2025).

Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis expressed his gratitude and thanks for this award. According to him, this award is a form of appreciation for the hard work of the entire Pelindo Regional 4 team in realizing collaboration and innovation to support the smooth running of the national logistics ecosystem.

"We are committed to continuing to support the implementation of the NLE program to accelerate the logistics process, increase efficiency, and reduce national logistics costs," he said.

Head of the DJBC Regional Office for South Sulawesi, Djaka Kusmartata, said that this activity aims to strengthen cross-sector coordination to support the optimization of the national logistics ecosystem.

"Pelindo has provided optimal performance support so it deserves appreciation. Moreover, Pelindo has also supported the role of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC)," he said.

He said that this award was given as a form of recognition for the collaboration and active participation of Pelindo Regional 4 in supporting the implementation of the NLE program nationally.

National Logistics Ecosystem or NLE is a government program that aims to synergize all logistics processes in Indonesia through an integrated digital platform. This program involves various stakeholders, including ministries/agencies, local governments, business actors, and logistics operators such as Pelindo Regional 4. In its implementation, NLE is expected to be able to simplify logistics procedures, increase transparency, and create a more competitive logistics ecosystem in Indonesia.

Pelindo as part of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which is the driving force of the national logistics sector continues to innovate in providing the best service to customers and supporting digital transformation in the logistics sector. Through system integration, infrastructure optimization, and collaboration with stakeholders, Pelindo Regional 4 has succeeded in demonstrating its strategic role in supporting the success of the NLE program.

Division Head of Operational Services of Pelindo Regional 4, Yusida M. Palesang added, in the future, his party will continue to improve services and strengthen synergies with various parties to support the creation of a more efficient and modern logistics ecosystem, especially in the Eastern Indonesia Region (KTI).

With this award, Pelindo Regional 4 further solidifies its position as one of the key players in national logistics transformation, especially in eastern Indonesia. The commitment to continue contributing to the government's strategic programs is the main motivation for Pelindo Regional 4 in presenting better and more innovative port services.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations of Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar/email: islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • Pelindo Regional 4 Receives Appreciation for Actively Supporting NLE Program


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