MAKASSAR INDONESIA (ISL News) - PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim (SPJM) as a company that supports the Sustainable Development Goals or Sustainable Development Goals program is implementing various programs throughout 2024 as part of SPJM's efforts to preserve the environment, and improve the welfare of communities in various regions, especially those in SPJM's operational areas. The focus of the SPJM Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program is three areas, namely Education, Environment, and Small and Medium Enterprises (UMK) Development.
"TJSL in the environmental sector in SPJM includes 790 fruit tree plantings in the framework of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day and also the rehabilitation of 45,000 mangrove seedlings on 5 hectares of land. Alhamdulillah, the calculation of carbon storage from the SPJM mangrove rehabilitation results has been carried out with the effectiveness of the planting area growth of 87.33% with the percentage of plant growth obtained a value of 46.89%," explained SVP of SPJM Corporate Secretary, Tubagus Patrick.
It was further explained that the planting of mangroves in addition to aiming to contribute to improving climate change because it binds carbon 5 times better than land trees, mangroves filter city waste (garbage) before the water goes to the sea. Not only that, with the presence of mangrove forests will create a new ecosystem with diverse fauna such as fish, crabs, birds, which are not only good for the environment, but can also have an impact on improving the economy of the surrounding community, such as mangrove farmers.
In the Education Sector, 3 TJSL programs have been implemented. The Education Programs include Pelindo Juara, which is the provision of scholarships to underprivileged children of Workers who work as Security and Cleaning Services in the SPJM work environment, the implementation of Safety and Environment Workshops for shipping agents who have become stakeholders of PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim. This workshop was implemented as a form of the company's concern for the importance of work safety.
And the next program is Pelindo Vokasi and non-formal education, which is a welding certification training in collaboration with the Center for Vocational Training and Productivity in Makassar. The implementation of Pelindo Vokasi was also carried out in Jakarta in collaboration with PT Jasa Peralatan Pelabuhan Indonesia (PT JPPI) which is a subsidiary of SPJM for 10 graduates of the Mechanical Engineering School who are people living around the Port environment, of course with the hope that the participants will gain technical skills that make participants ready to compete in the world of work. These various educations are implemented as an effort to improve the quality of community education and can develop community potential.
Not only that, in the field of UMK Development, Digital Marketing assistance and training has been carried out for UMK SPJM Partners, namely Tapoji Food. Pelindo Difablepreneur is also carried out, namely life skill training for friends with disabilities , namely barista training and making handicrafts . In addition, SPJM also carries out a Collaboration program with TJSL Pelindo Group Makassar Region, namely the Teman Nelayan Program and the Pelita Program.
Furthermore, Patrick explained that SPJM has implemented the Sustainable Village program in Rammang-Rammang Tourism Village, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This program collaborates with its subsidiaries, PT Jasa Armada Indonesia, PT Pelindo Marine Service, PT Energi Pelabuhan Indonesia, PT Berkah Industri Mesin Lift, PT Pengerukan Indonesia, and PT Lamong Energi Indonesia. "This Sustainable Village consists of several items, including assistance in installing solar panels, assistance in making compost, and assistance in repairing and rebranding the village residents' Jolloro ship ," said Patrick.
"In addition, SPJM also implements TJSL programs in non-priority areas that have a positive impact on the community, such as the Pelindo Berbagi Ramadhan Program, which consists of sharing takjil, distributing free basic necessities, and providing assistance to orphans. There is also Pelindo Berbagi Qurban, Free Homecoming with Pelindo, as well as several public facilities and infrastructure assistance, and places of worship," Patrick added.
Not only providing assistance, SPJM has measured the company's TJSL program using the SROI (Social Return of Investment) Calculation which aims to measure the benefits, manage, strengthen, and see the effectiveness of the impact of the program that has been created by the company. "With this SROI calculation, it is hoped that TJSL programs will be more targeted, and support the Sustainability Development Goals (SGDS) and Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ," said Patrick.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPJM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).