MAKASSAR INDONESIA (ISL News) - Prioritizing a customer-centric approach and to strengthen Pelindo's competitive advantage in the global market, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 4 held a Training on the Implementation of P-KPI, P-RKM and Calculation of Production Costs of Goods Service Tariffs in the Work Environment.
Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis said that this training is a strategic step to support digital transformation in the Pelindo environment.
"By implementing the P-KPI and P-RKM applications, as well as the ability to calculate production costs effectively, we hope to increase the company's productivity and competitiveness in providing services to customers," he said.
Adi Novi Wahyudi, Commercial Division Head of Pelindo Regional 4, said that the training "Socialization of P-KPI, P-RKM 2.0, and Training on Calculation of Production Costs for Port-Related Goods and Services" which was held for 2 days (January 30 and 31, 2025) is one of the Company's commitments to continue to improve the capacity of human resources, especially in supporting the company's vision as a leader in an integrated and world-class maritime ecosystem.
"In this training, we hope that all participants can understand their strategic role in driving corporate transformation, especially through increasing operational efficiency, strengthening internal synergy, and implementing sustainability principles," explained Adi.
In addition to improving employee competency, this training is also expected to have a positive impact on improving the quality of port services.
According to Adi, this training is also designed to achieve several main objectives, namely providing an in-depth understanding of the management of Key Performance Indicators (P-KPI) and Management Work Plans (P-RKM), so that participants are able to formulate strategies that are in line with corporate targets.
Then, one of the main focuses of this training is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of calculating the cost of production. This aims to ensure that the management of port service rates is carried out accurately, transparently, and based on data. Thus, this supports the creation of cost efficiency and more competitive services in each operational segment.
The next objective is, through this training, it is expected that participants can apply a more efficient and accurate method of calculating production costs, in order to increase productivity and support the achievement of the company's revenue targets in 2025.
The training, which was held in the 7th Floor Meeting Room of the Pelindo Regional 4 Office in Makassar, was attended by 25 participants from various organizational units at Pelindo, namely 5 people from Regional 4, 14 people from Regional branches, and 6 people from Subholding.
This activity also presented speakers, namely Senior Officer of Performance Management Neny Ratih Windiati and Senior Officer of Performance Management Desyana Irmasari from Group Head of Corporate Strategy and Innovation of Pelindo with the material presented "Implementation of P-KPI and P-RKM 2.0". As well as Manager of Evaluation & Tariff Management Erfin Wijayanto from Group Head of Customer Management of Pelindo who presented the material "Calculation of Tariffs for Goods and Related Services".
Pelindo as part of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) that drives the national logistics sector continues to be committed to developing HR capacity and integrating technology in every aspect of its operations, in order to support national economic growth through better port services.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations of Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).