PALEMBANG INDONESIA (ISL News) - Starting 2025, IPC TPK serves the first export container of coffee commodities from South Sumatra to Australia with a total of 19.5 tons. This step is a support for the South Sumatra Provincial Government in encouraging South Sumatra coffee commodities to penetrate the international market and support the economy of coffee farmers in South Sumatra.
IPC TPK Palembang Area Manager Agustian Chandra ensured the readiness of IPC TPK as the container terminal manager in serving coffee exports from Boom Baru Port to the international market. This first export is an opportunity for shipping lines to dock at the new Boom Port.
The coffee beans sent using containers through the IPC TPK Palembang Area include: Green Bean coffee of the Arabica Grade 1 Specialty type from Semendo and Muara Enim and Robusta Grade 1 from Pagar Alam. The release of the first export of coffee at the Boom Baru Port of Palembang on Sunday, January 20, 2025. The next plan is to export coffee to Malaysia amounting to 39.6 tons of Green Bean Coffee of the Robusta Grade 4 type from Pagar Alam.
Reported from Indonesian Coffee Statistics data, in 2022 South Sumatra Province contributed the highest at 26.85% of Indonesia's total coffee production. South Sumatra Province produced 208.04 thousand tons of production from a total production of 774.96 thousand tons. Thus, the open export potential is a positive step for the development of the local coffee industry to be more developed and South Sumatra Province is ready to become one of the leading coffee centers in Indonesia.
"With the collaboration and support of various stakeholders, it is hoped that in 2025 the export value of various original commodities from South Sumatra can continue to grow, which will have an impact on improving the economy of farmers and MSMEs in South Sumatra," concluded Agustian.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).