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IPCM Or PT JAI Tbk. Degree JANGKAR or 'JAI Ngajak Bicara'

24/01/25, 10:52 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-24T03:55:58Z

 - J-Well (JAI Wellness) as one of the sub-programs of JANGKAR (JAI Ngajak Bicara) which focuses on the Employee Wellbeing Program, will be present for the first time in 2025 on Thursday, January 16, 2025 which will be implemented in a hybrid manner.

J-Well with the topic From Gratitude to Greatness with Arvan Pradiansyah as a national motivator of leadership & happiness, is here with the aim of building a habit of gratitude in personal and professional life with several tips, namely:

1. Focus on what we have, not on what we want

2. When you receive grace, ask: Why me?

3. When you are tested, ask yourself: What valuable lesson does God want to give me?
4. Imagine that what we have does not exist.

5. Exploring all our potential

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPCM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).




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  • IPCM Or PT JAI Tbk. Degree JANGKAR or 'JAI Ngajak Bicara'


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