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Arisudono Soerono, President Director of IDSurvey/BKI Inaugurates the New Class & Commercial Branch Office of BKI Surabaya

23/01/25, 08:27 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-23T01:27:37Z

SURABAYA INDONESIA (ISL News) - PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)/BKI, as the lead holding of BUMN Jasa Survei, IDSurvey which includes PT Sucofindo and PT Surveyor Indonesia, officially opened the new BKI Surabaya Class & Commercial Branch Office on January 16, 2025 on the 3rd Floor of Graha Sucofindo. The inauguration was carried out by Arisudono Soerono, President Director of IDSurvey/BKI.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Director of Human Resources Development of IDSurvey, Rozainbahri Noor, President Director of PT Sucofindo, Jobi Triananda Hasjim, Director of Human Resources of PT Sucofindo, David Sidjabat, Head of the Main Branch of BKI Surabaya, Bambang Riyanto, Head of the Middle Commercial Branch of BKI Surabaya, Sudibyo, Head of the Sucofindo Surabaya Branch, Muhamad Surahman, and Head of the Surveyor Indonesia Surabaya Branch, Dwi Yulinar Firdaus.

The new branch office is expected to improve operational efficiency, productivity, and contribute to the national economy. The inauguration ceremony was filled with tumpeng cutting as an expression of gratitude, accompanied by a joint prayer for future success. As a form of social commitment, BKI provided assistance to orphans, emphasizing its concern for the community. BKI hopes that this office will not only support operations, but also provide real benefits to the local community, creating synergy between business and society.

Arisudono Soerono, President Director of BKI, in his speech emphasized the importance of creating a representative environment in this new branch office. "This office must be a bright, comfortable place that facilitates customer service, not the other way around," he said, emphasizing the company's commitment to ensuring comfort for customers and guests who come.

In addition to improving customer service, this branch office is also designed to create a work environment that supports employee welfare. Arisudono added, "This office must be pleasant for employees, comfortable, and pay attention to Employee Well-being, in accordance with the policy of the Minister of SOEs in early 2024, in order to create a productive, healthy, safe, comfortable, and happy work environment."

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom PT BKI (Persero)/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).  

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  • Arisudono Soerono, President Director of IDSurvey/BKI Inaugurates the New Class & Commercial Branch Office of BKI Surabaya


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