JAKARTA INDONESIA (ISL News) - WAMEN BUMN supports improving the quality of Human Resources of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo. This was emphasized by WAMEN BUMN, Aminuddin Ma'ruf at the launch of the book "Membangun Insan Pelindo" at the Indonesian Maritime Museum (03/12/24).
"Pelindo has a very important position and function to realize the vision and mission of the government led by President Prabowo Subianto. We will always support efforts to accelerate the improvement of the quality of its human resources," said Aminuddin.
Aminuddin also added that good HR management is one of the keys to the success of the Pelindo merger. Transformation will not occur if there is no good HR management even though the system is built in such a way.
"We are carrying out transformation in all areas, including human resource transformation. Because it is impossible for us to carry out transformation in all areas without human resources also being transformed," said Pelindo President Director, Arif Suhartono.
The book launched on the occasion is a documentation of Pelindo's efforts in building its HR strength after Pelindo merged in October 2021, which contains the process and experience of HR management strategies, as well as reflections on learning over the past three years. The HR integration process after the merger of the four previous companies, namely Pelindo I, II, III and IV, has provided Pelindo's HR with the opportunity to play a role in the company's transformation journey while also carrying out a number of innovations.
"Innovation is very important. In this book, there is a special sub-chapter discussing this. That Innovation is the main driver of competitiveness. Without innovation, all that will happen is stagnation. As a leader in an integrated and world-class maritime ecosystem, Pelindo must continue to improve, starting from product service innovation, management innovation, marketing innovation, to initiatives to collaborate," added Aminuddin.
This book is expected to be Pelindo's contribution to the advancement of human resource development in Indonesia. One of the strengths of this book is its content which is based on real cases, which are relevant to current conditions and challenges.
"In the future, Pelindo will continue to be committed to strengthening the role of HR and expanding contributions to national development. Hopefully this book can add references for policy makers, practitioners, and the wider community to understand the importance of HR transformation to create significant value for the company," concluded Arif.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom Pelindo Pusat/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).