SURABAYA INDONESIA (ISL News) – TPS JUARA is increasingly real..! The tagline for the 25th anniversary of PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS), which is an acronym for Journey to Unlash Adaptability , and Resilience for higher Achievement , has become a prayer and hope throughout 2024, able to present a series of extraordinary achievements that strengthen TPS ' position as one of the leading container terminals in Indonesia.
In 2024, TPS, a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas, successfully made a new history with a container flow or throughput of more than 1.5 million TEUs . This achievement will be a new milestone in TPS's quarter-century journey.
"This success cannot be separated from the hard work of all TPS Familia, work partners and full support from stakeholders and customer trust in TPS," said Wahyu Widodo, President Director of TPS.
"Comprehensive work program planning, consistent monitoring and coordination between units in TPS, make TPS able to respond and adapt to all changes, challenges and dynamics that arise. Feedback from all stakeholders is also one of the keys to TPS's success," Wahyu added.
Pondasi dasar dimulai dengan penguatan dari sisi SDM sebagai penggerak utama roda usaha perusahaan. Serangkaian program sertifikasi di tahun 2024, dilakukan guna memastikan bahwa SDM TPS merupakan personil yang kompeten dalam menjalankan tugasnya sesuai standarisasi yang ditetapkan, seperti Sertifikasi BNSP untuk Penanganan Muatan Angkutan Laut dan Penanganan Barang Berbahaya atau yang lazim disebut International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code). Pelatihan dan sertifikasi bidang K3 dan Manajemen Resiko tidak luput menjadi bagian dari pengembangan SDM, disamping juga sertifikasi Pengelolaan Energi dan Digitalisasi serta Internal Auditor sebagai upaya untuk memastikan SDM yang berkualitas siap mendukung perjalanan keberlanjutan TPS baik dari sisi pengelolaan energi, lingkungan, keselamatan maupun tata kelola.
Tidak hanya penguatan dari sisi kompetensi SDM, penyediaan sarana berupa ruang kerja dan perangkat kerja yang memadai dilakukan dengan diresmikannya ruang Planning and Control baru, guna memastikan proses perencanaan dan pengendalian berjalan dengan optimal. Perencanaan dan optimalisasi sumber daya yang matang serta monitoring proses kegiatan layanan, mulai dari gate, lapangan hingga area dermaga, menjadi hal yang sangat signifikan untuk memastikan jaminan layanan yang disediakan.
Pengembangan layanan bagi pelanggan menjadi salah satu prioritas program di tahun 2024, yang antara lain terwujud dengan peluncuran Layanan Fumigasi dan Pemeriksaan Kulit Mentah Garaman, yang memudahkan importir melakukan proses langsung di terminal.
Standarisasi sistem untuk layanan pendukung, dilaksanakan dengan penerapan Single Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) berbasis SAP mulai 1 Juli 2024. ERP merupakan single platform, yang mendukung berbagai kegiatan layanan non operasional seperti FI (Finance Accounting), Controlling & Budgeting, HCM (Human Capital Management) dan Purchasing, yang secarabertahap diterapkan pada seluruh entitas Pelindo.
Program elektrifikasi peralatan utama pelabuhan kembali dilaksanakan sebagai upaya menekan emisi karbon yang dihasilkan dari proses bisnis perusahaan. Setelah sukses diterapkan pada peralatan Container Crane (CC), TPS kembali melakukan upaya konversi penggunaan bahan bakar solar menjadi penggunaan tenaga listrik untuk 22 unit Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG), yang ditargetkan selesai di tahun 2025.
Like a match made in heaven, TPS's efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the maritime and logistics sector were accompanied by one of the shipping companies, with the presence of the MV. CMA CGM Passion which docked in September 2024. This ship is an LNG powered vessel, which for the first time arrived in Indonesia and docked at TPS.
TPS's steps to transform into a green port are also strengthened by the expansion of the port's green area, which supports the existence of mangrove forests to absorb carbon emissions generated from TPS's business processes.
For the various efforts and programs implemented, recognition and awards were received from various parties. Starting from an award from the Global Port Forum which named TPS as the Best Terminal in Southeast Asia , to the 2024 Exemplary Taxpayer award from the Mayor of Surabaya. TPS's obedience in carrying out its obligations as a Taxpayer reflects that in running its business, TPS always prioritizes Good Governance and this also received appreciation at the BUMN Track 2024 event which awarded TPS the Platinum Five Star award for the Governance and Economic Pillars.
The award for digitalization implemented at TPS in the Longstay Container Monitoring application, received an award in the Impact on Satisfaction & Loyalty Level category from the BUMN Branding & Marketing Award because it was considered capable of increasing customer trust by providing efficient and transparent services.
In the social community sector, TPS has succeeded in helping to resolve stunting cases in Krembangan District, which is the company's ring one area, and received special appreciation from the Mayor of Surabaya. Meanwhile, for other social actions in the form of assistance for drilled wells and sanitation facilities in Sumberwaru Village, Pamekasan, Madura, it won the Best CID Environment award at the 2024 Pelindo TJSL Award.
"TPS will never stop doing the best for all stakeholders. We are always part of the community, so our existence must be able to bring benefits to all. TPS is committed to continuing to maintain the trust given to realize TPS's mission to become the leading terminal in Indonesia," Wahyu concluded.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom TPS Surabaya/email: