SURABAYA INDONESIA (ISL News) – PT Terminal Teluk Lamong or abbreviated as TTL has recorded a new record for the fastest dry bulk ship to ship with a duration of only 47 minutes. This record was recorded from the time distance between the Lastline MV Nikolas D to the Firstline MV Darya Ruchi which previously held the fastest record at TTL, which was 1 hour 6 minutes in August 2024.
The ship to ship process involved the MV Nikolas D ship which unloaded 54,980 MT of soybean meal commodities in TTL then continued with the docking of the MV Darya Ruchi ship which loaded 43,998 MT of soybean meal commodities. This operation went smoothly despite facing the challenges of less friendly weather due to the rainy season and westerly winds.
This success is inseparable from the solid coordination between the PT Terminal Teluk Lamong operations team, the ship service team (pilot and tug) of PT Pelindo Regional 3 and PT Pelindo Marine Service, and the shipping agents of both ships. In addition, the role of the brave and competent pilot captains is the main key in ensuring the smoothness and safety of the ship to ship process even in challenging weather conditions.
President Director of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, David Pandapotan Sirait, said that early coordination was the main key to this achievement. "Before the activities of the ship that will sail are finished, the team immediately coordinates for the ship that will dock. Thus the ship service team can prepare the ship that will enter earlier, even though the weather is less supportive," said David.
Optimizing the ship-to-ship process has been the main focus since early 2024. This effort is also in accordance with the direction of the President Director of PT Pelindo, Arif Suhartono in the 2024 Pelindo National Working Meeting (Rakernas) which emphasized the importance of accelerating ship to ship to increase port efficiency and competitiveness. TTL consistently carries out gradual evaluations, with an initial target of 2 hours which was successfully cut to 1 hour until finally reaching a duration of under 1 hour.
"This faster ship to ship can reduce berthing waiting time, increase berth utilization, and ultimately contribute to improving TTL's performance in the future," added David.
To maintain consistency, TTL together with related parties have prepared a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for coordinating ship-to-ship preparations as a guide in implementing this activity in the future.
"This success certainly occurred due to solid collaboration between PT Pelindo Regional 3, PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim, PT Pelindo Marine Service, PT Terminal Teluk Lamong and shipping agents of 2 ships that carried out ship to ship activities at Terminal Teluk Lamong. And most importantly, this achievement is also a special gift on TTL's 11th anniversary, in line with the theme of unstoppable innovation and growth that we continue to use as a guide to develop," concluded David.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom Terminal Teluk Lamong/email: ).