JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) - In the framework of Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 and to realize the Clean Pelindo Program, the management of PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IDX: IPCM) ensures that all employees in their respective work environments along with service providers and parties related to the process of carrying out operational and non-operational tasks in their work environments DO NOT ASK FOR, SEND AND RECEIVE BRIBERIES AND GRATIFICATIONS such as accepting parcels and/or gifts in any form in carrying out their duties and implementing 5 NO'S including No Bribery, No Kickback, No Gift, No Luxurious Hospitality and No Corruption.
For all IPCM personnel along with service providers and parties involved in the process of implementing operational and non-operational tasks within PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk who are aware of any alleged acts of extortion, bribery and gratification, please report this through the Pelindo Bersih Whistleblowing System with the following channels:
SMS / WhatsApp: +62 21 2782 3456- Email: +62 811 933 2345/ +62 811 9511 665
Post: pelindobersih@whistleblowing.link Web Online: Pelindo Bersih. PO Box 1074. JKS 12010
Phone: https:/pelindobersih.pelindo.co.id Facsimile: +62 21 2782 2345
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom PT JAI Tbk./email:islnewstv@gmail.com).