JAKARTA INDONESIA (ISL News) - Welcoming the 2024 World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) on December 9, IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK, a subsidiary of Pelindo Terminal Petikemas, collaborated with the North Jakarta District Attorney's Office to echo the anti-corruption movement in the port environment. The anti-corruption socialization through focus group discussions raised the theme of Bribery Risk, Gratification Due to the Rampant Online Loans (Pinjol), Online Gambling (Judol) and its Legal Impacts which was attended by more than 200 Port stakeholders .
Guna Mulyana, President Director of IPC TPK, in his speech said that it must be a joint commitment from all port stakeholders to agree that we are anti-corruption. It is hoped that with this activity, it can add ideas and insights related to forms of corruption.
The focus group discussion activity was carried out in a hybrid manner which was attended by workers, work partners, vendors and service users from 6 IPC TPK work areas. The socialization activity presented resource persons, Head of the North Jakarta District Attorney's Office Dandeni Herdiana, SH, MH and Head of the Civil and State Administration Section Wahyu Oktaviandi, SH, MH explained the Implementation of Anti-Bribery Management which explained the understanding and legal impacts of bribery, gratification, online loans and online gambling.
On this occasion, IPC TPK management conducted socialization of the renewal of the Whistleblowing System and Gratification Control of Pelindo Group based on ISO 37001:2016 which has been integrated with the Corruption Eradication Commission (Aroma) Whistleblowing System channel .
“Corruption is nothing new. The District Attorney's Office continues to communicate through various activities such as FGDs as a form of prevention. Online loans and online gambling can lead to bribery. In several cases handled by the District Attorney's Office, gambling and online loans were the background for corruption. Through the Hakordia commemoration, we are urged to be more vigilant. Thank you to the IPC TPK for facilitating this activity which supports the Government's program to eradicate corruption and bribery in any form and strengthen the commitment to realizing a corruption-free port." concluded the Head of the North Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Dandeni Herdiana.
IPC TPK is committed to proactively communicating the anti-corruption and gratification movement as a prevention in container loading and unloading activities. Socialization activities are routinely held by IPC TPK. Previously in 2022, IPC TPK collaborated with the North Jakarta Police and the Corruption Eradication Commission to socialize anti-corruption and gratification which was attended by hundreds of operational workers throughout the IPC TPK work area.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).