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PT PELINDO MULTI TERMINAL or SPMT is again trusted to manage FOUR new TERMINALS

02/07/24, 07:17 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-02T00:18:52Z


 PT Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT), a subholding of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) which manages the non-container terminal segment, continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing the best port services to service users.

On July 1, 2024, SPMT officially carried out the handover of operations (STO) at four strategic terminals: Sibolga, Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Balai Karimun, and Bima. This event was held in a hybrid manner with the activity center in Tanjung Pinang, which was marked by the handover of donations to orphanage children, the handover of PPE in the form of helmets and vests to structural officials of the Tanjungpinang branch and the cutting of tumpeng.

SPMT Strategy and Commercial Director Rizki Kurniawan, in his remarks, said that the handover of operations from Pelindo to SPMT in 2024 is the third stage and is a continuation of the series of handovers of operations of Pelindo branches to subholdings, including to SPMT as a non-container subholding.

The handover of port branch operations from Pelindo to subholding is a series of corporate actions to refine and organize Pelindo Group's business after the Pelindo merger in October 2021.

With the joining of 4 new branches today, namely Tanjungpinang and Tanjung Balai Karimun in the Riau Islands, Sibolga in North Sumatra, and Bima in West Nusa Tenggara, it will strengthen SPMT as a non-container terminal operator in Indonesia.

"With the presence of SPMT in the operation of these 4 new branches, it will improve the performance and productivity of the port through various standardization programs that will be implemented in the future, so that in the end it can provide a positive impact on service users, stakeholders, and the regional economy," said Rizki.

The SPMT Board of Commissioners also warmly welcomed the joining of these four branches, as conveyed directly by SPMT's Main Commissioner Darwanto in his welcoming speech.

"To all levels of Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Balai Karimun, Sibolga, and Bima Branches, we welcome and congratulate you on joining the big SPMT family. The Board of Commissioners warmly welcomes and believes that by joining these four branches, we can optimally utilize the business potential and hinterland support in these new branches so that we can maximize the contribution of the four branches to SPMT's consolidated performance, in addition to further strengthening SPMT in achieving the performance targets set by the Shareholders," said Darwanto.

Regarding this, KSOP Class III Kijang, Humaid Minabari expressed his positive response to the handover of operations at 4 strategic terminals, one of which was at Tanjungpinang Terminal by SPMT.

"We strongly support, with the coordination and collaboration that has been maintained so far with Pelindo, we hope that after the Go Live activity in Tanjung Pinang, the performance of SPMT will be even better which will also be beneficial for improving the welfare of the wider community," Humaid hoped.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of APBMI Tanjungpinang City, Kasimo and also the Chairman of INSA Tanjungpinang City represented by the Secretary of INSA, Karim also gave their support. Both hope that after the Go Live Handover of Operations to SPMT, the speed of service and operations will be faster and more focused, and certainly in the future they can partner with SPMT.

SPMT Corporate Secretary Fiona Sari Utami added, with the addition of four new terminals, SPMT now operates a total of 36 port branches. SPMT subsidiaries, such as PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, manage 11 port branches, while PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk manages 5 terminals, and PT Terminal Curah Utama.

"SPMT focuses on port services for non-container terminals, including liquid bulk terminals, dry bulk terminals, multipurpose terminals, as well as vehicle and passenger terminals. SPMT's vision as a multipurpose terminal operator is to create an ecosystem that provides added value for all related parties," concluded Fiona.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPMT/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • PT PELINDO MULTI TERMINAL or SPMT is again trusted to manage FOUR new TERMINALS


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