JAKARTA (ISL News) – Shipping company, PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk, (SMDR) plans to expand into the port business, in line with the addition of 12 units of ships to its fleet this year.
This was stated by the President Director of Samudera Indonesia, Bani M. Mulia, after the Samudera Indonesia Public Expose event, last Wednesday (26 June 2024).
"In the first semester of this year (2024), Samudera Indonesia has added 8 new ships from the target of adding 12 ships," said Bani M. Mulia, after the company's annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) on Wednesday (26/6/2024).
It was said that the expansion plan to the Port Sector was part of utilizing the remaining capital expenditure (CAPEX) budget owned by SMDR worth US$ 200 million.
It was said that there were many other plans, (expansion plans), and the port project would be realized this year (2024), but the location of the port project could not be announced yet.
"From the contracts we have participated in, we have participated in several tenders to manage other ports. Outside of the ports we are currently managing. Later, if it has been sounded and indeed the concession providers have also invited us to announce it, we will announce it," he said.
Bani added that his party is optimistic that the company's capex will be absorbed well. "In addition to adding to the fleet of ships, it is also for adding new routes and ports that are still in the internal discussion stage. "Optimistic to be absorbed because there is a port project," concluded Bani.
(ISL News Editorial Team/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).