Iklan Top Header PT BKI (Persero)



Happy 60th Anniversary to PT BKI (Persero), Continue Moving Forward for an Advanced Indonesia

01/07/24, 11:14 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-01T04:14:11Z

Today, Monday 1 July 2024, is the anniversary of PT Bureau Klasifikasi Indonesia/PT BKI (Persero) as the holding company for BUMN Survey Services or IDSurvey.

During this journey, BKI has consistently served both domestic and international business actors who require Testing, Inspection and Certification services (abbreviated: TIC).

Celebrating the age of 60 this year, it is certainly a big hope for BKI to continue to improve its business not only in one sector but can expand to other business lines both domestically and internationally.

For 60 years, BKI has continued to serve the country and continue to innovate to advance TIC services and of course this cannot be separated from the support of all BKI employees and related stakeholders.

"Congratulations and Success to PT BKI (Persero), Congratulations and Success to the President Director, Mr. Ari Sudono and all levels of management of PT BKI (Persero), Amen".

(ISL News Editorial/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).

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  • Happy 60th Anniversary to PT BKI (Persero), Continue Moving Forward for an Advanced Indonesia


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