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Terminal TELUK LAMONG Wins GOLD in BISRA 2024 Category, Carrying CSR INNOVATION Empowering UMKM

29/06/24, 16:51 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-29T09:52:22Z

 - PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL), a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Terminal  Petikemas, won the 2024 Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (BISRA) which took place at the Raffles Hotel Jakarta, Ciputra World, Karet Kuningan (27/6/2024). Teluk Lamong Terminal won an award in the "Gold" category in the flagship program, namely "UMKM Canteen Program (UMK Empowerment)"

The 2024 BISRA Award with the theme "Paving The Way To Sustainable Business: Innovation In CSR" was attended directly by the Deputy for Economic Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said, this award aims to provide appreciation to companies that are strongly committed to implementing CSR and joint efforts to achieve the 2030 sustainable development agenda as well as to implement Indonesia Emas 2045.

The series of selection stages were carried out from February 12 to March 1, 2024, attended by 46 companies whose judging was carried out directly by the Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of Bappenas Vivi Yulaswati. President Commissioner of Bisnis Indonesia, Hariyadi Budi

Santoso Sukamdani said that the implementation of BISRA was designed to be a reference for the implementation of the best CSR programs. "The BISRA implementation model is designed in such a way that it can be a barometer of the quality of the implementation of CSR programs, as well as "a benchmark regarding the extent and extent of the benefits for society and life," said Hariyadi.

The CSR program carried out by TTL this time is the empowerment of MSMEs through the UMKM Canteen program, where UMKM supported around the company provide food and drinks for employees. TTL realizes that the CSR program is not just a means of eliminating the company's obligations in running its business, but rather, good implementation of the program is also believed to be able to have a positive impact on the company.

President Director of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong David Pandapotan Sirait after receiving the award said, "This UMKM program is a commitment of Terminal Teluk Lamong to carry out sustainable development and improvement of the community's economy. This award is also a form of appreciation for the achievements of the Terminal Teluk Lamong Kantin UMKM program which has been running since 2023 and has proven to provide great benefits to the community," concluded David.

(Editor of ISL News/Cocom Terminal Teluk Lamong/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Terminal TELUK LAMONG Wins GOLD in BISRA 2024 Category, Carrying CSR INNOVATION Empowering UMKM


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