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Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Lampung Implements STRANAS PK (STID) to carry out LINE 1 Sterilization

24/06/24, 15:57 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-24T09:01:37Z


  - As a form of consistency in the follow-up to the implementation of the National Corruption Eradication Strategy (Stranas PK) program, one of the programs is Single Truck Identification Data (STID) which has been launched jointly since 2022 by stakeholders at Panjang Port, Fleet Trucks that have no interest and do not yet have a Work Order, DO Letter or Travel Document will be asked to leave the Port work area.

This system aims to minimize and cut bureaucracy or things that can give rise to practices of corruption or extortion in the Regional 2 Panjang Port Environment, besides this step is a commitment of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang as Port Operator together with KSOP Class 1 Panjang as Port Regulator in carrying out controlling and identifying vehicles operating in the Long 2 Regional Port environment. It is hoped that this system can also improve goods security and improve work safety and minimize accidents in the Line I area of ​​Panjang Port.

The launch of STID in conjunction with Simon TKBM has begun to be implemented on Tuesday 27 September 2022 in stages and continuously until now and was inaugurated by the Stakeholders at Panjang Port, namely, KSOP Class 1 Panjang, Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang, Lampung Provincial Transportation Service, Head The Bandar Lampung City Manpower Service and the Head of the Bandar Lampung City Cooperative and SME Service, as well as the head of the INSA Association, the Chair of the APBMI, the Chair of the ALFI/ILFA, the Chair of the Organda and the Chair of the TKBM Cooperative, followed by several socializations and appeals afterwards, most recently with the implementation of Safety Awareness on March 5 2024, which was attended by elements of Organda, APBMI and TKBM as well as operations from tenants in the Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang environment.

Regarding the information circulating via WhatsApp chain messages between truck drivers which stated that dozens of trucks could not enter the port area, according to Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Public Relations, this was not true. This happens because both the owner and coordinator as well as the truck driver cannot follow the SOPs and provisions that have been set in the Panjang Port work area in accordance with the applicable SOPs and which have been socialized since the beginning of the STID Stranas PK implementation stage at Panjang Port to be active in limited areas. 1. Transport vehicles that do not have a Work SPK, DO and Road Document are not permitted to enter the Pier area for the sake of order and security in accordance with the ISPS Code in the restricted area of ​​Line 1 of Panjang Harbor. In this regard, joint coordination between stakeholders has been carried out at Panjang Harbor on Friday 21 June 2024. 

And then there will be further evaluation and follow-up discussions with all stakeholders in order to support the implementation of the program launched by Stranas PK since 2022 which is Then.

(Editor of ISL News/Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Public Relations/email; islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Lampung Implements STRANAS PK (STID) to carry out LINE 1 Sterilization


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