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ASDP Realizes TJSL Worth 8.4 Billion, Economic Pillar, Social Pillar and Environmental Pillar

18/06/24, 15:18 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-18T08:18:58Z

 BUMN PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) has implemented a Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) work program in 2023 which focuses on 3 of the Four Pillars of Sustainable Development Goals with a total cost of IDR 8.42 billion.

ASDP Corporate Secretary Shelvy Arifin said that the TJSL program which refers to 3 pillars, namely, the Economic Pillar, the Social Pillar and the Environmental Pillar, is a concrete manifestation of ASDP's commitment as a ferry and port operator which continues to consistently provide excellent ferry services to communities throughout Indonesia.

"As an agent of change, ASDP, which is the largest state-owned company providing ferry transportation services in the country, is not only responsible and focused on the business aspect, but also ensures that ASDP's presence brings great benefits and contributes to community welfare and environmental sustainability in the surrounding area. operational," he said.

He explained that in order to prioritize the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB or SDGs) in the TJSL strategy, ASDP ensures that each work program has a significant and measurable impact. One of them is measuring using an approach to key business interests known as the Corporate Shared Values ​​(CSV) approach.

Furthermore, the TJSL division unit in 2023 will distribute the budget (costs) to a number of programs in each pillar. In the Economic pillar, ASDP has distributed funds amounting to IDR 2.76 billion for various community empowerment programs, such as MSME training, micro business development, and providing access to capital. One of them is ASDP collaborating with the Parent Association of IKM (Small and Medium Industries) and UKM (Small and Medium Enterprises) Banyuwangi in organizing Entrepreneurship and Leadership Training intended for beginner SMEs/IKMs on Thursday (14/12) to Saturday (16/12) in 2023 in Banyuwangi.

"It is hoped that these programs can help improve the standard of living of communities around ASDP operational areas and encourage local economic growth," explained Shelvy.

Furthermore, in the Social pillar, ASDP has allocated funds amounting to 1.51 billion rupiah for programs such as educational scholarships, health assistance and social infrastructure development. One of TJSL's programs in this social pillar, ASDP provides scholarships to outstanding Indonesian children to study at Sumbawa University of Technology (UTS), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The scholarship provided by ASDP is in the form of undergraduate education funds for 8 semesters (4 years of study), including book fees, thesis, graduation fees, accommodation/residence and pocket money.

"ASDP is committed to supporting improving the quality of education and public health, as well as helping to build adequate social infrastructure around its operational areas," said Shelvy.

This effort is in line with the focus of SDGs number 2 (No Hunger), 3 (Good Health and Prosperity), 4 (Quality Education), and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

In the social pillar, ASDP has also collaborated with an international non-profit organization that focuses on cleft lip management, Smile Train Indonesia, in providing 100 Free Cleft Lip Surgery Community Services. This routine program has also helped approximately 300 cleft lip participants from various provinces in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, for the Environmental pillar, ASDP has realized funds amounting to 4.14 billion rupiah for programs such as waste management, reforestation and nature conservation.

"ASDP is aware that environmental sustainability is very important to maintain the balance of nature and ensure the sustainability of life in the future," emphasized Shelvy.

He added that during 2023, ASDP succeeded in collecting more than 830 kg of plastic bottle waste through the "Save Our Ocean" Program. This program is implemented through a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) which is the result of collaboration with PlasticPay. In the Save Our Ocean program, more than 350 people actively participated in collecting plastic waste, successfully collecting 44,746 plastic bottles with a total weight of 836 kg. Through this initiative, ASDP has succeeded in reducing CO2 emissions by more than 3 tons during 2023.

This activity is in line with the focus of SDGs number 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Tackling Climate Change), 14 (Marine Ecosystems), and 15 (Land Ecosystems).

Not only limited to the "Save Our Ocean" Program initiative to reduce plastic waste, but ASDP has also carried out various consistent efforts throughout 2023. In August last year, ASDP simultaneously planted 4,050 tree seedlings in all branches, of course with the aim of making the surrounding environment operational. become cleaner, reduce the impact of global warming, absorb air pollution, and help achieve the target of zero emissions by 2060 and address the issue of decarbonization. Apart from that, ASDP also participated in planting 1,000 mangrove seedlings equivalent to 58 tons of CO2 or the equivalent of 8 years of life, together with Tracein, showing a real contribution to a greener future.

In the future, ASDP will continue to be committed to implementing the TJSL program in a sustainable and measurable manner, with a focus on the Economic, Social and Environmental pillars.

"We hope that the TJSL programs implemented by ASDP can provide real benefits for the community and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals," he concluded. 

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • ASDP Realizes TJSL Worth 8.4 Billion, Economic Pillar, Social Pillar and Environmental Pillar


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