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IPCM or PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk Distributes Dividends of IDR 118 Billion

18/06/24, 11:41 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-18T04:41:43Z


 The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IDX: IPCM) approved the determination of the use of the Company's profits for the 2023 financial year, totaling IDR 157.6 billion, to be used as a final dividend of IDR 118 billion, or IDR 22.41 per share.

Part of which has been distributed to shareholders as an interim dividend of IDR 20.05 billion on January 26 2024 and as a cash dividend that will be distributed of IDR 98.2 billion in July 2024.

"The decision to distribute dividends for the 2023 financial year is a form of IPCM's commitment to shareholders which is of course in line with shareholder support for management to continue the Company's business expansion plans," said the President Director and Commercial and Business Development Director of PT JAI Tbk, Shanti Puruhita in his statement, Thursday (12/6).

At the AGMS PT JAI Tbk also approved changes to the composition of the company's management, namely appointing Dessy Emastari as Director of Finance, HR and Risk Management to replace Reini Delfianti whose term of office ends at the close of the Meeting held today. Previously, Dessy Emastari served as Group Head of HR Management at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero). Meanwhile, Reini Delfianti will then be assigned to the PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) group.

Thus, the composition of the Board of Commissioners of PT JAI Tbk becomes:

Main Commissioner : Zuhri Iryansyah

Commissioner : RR Dewi Ariyani
Independent Commissioner : Bay Mokhamad Hasani


The composition of the Board of Directors of PT JAI Tbk is as follows:

President Director and Director of Commercial and Business Development: Shanti Puruhita
Director of Fleet and Operations: Muhammad Iqbal Director of Finance, Human Resources and Risk Management: Dessy Emastari. P

"We express our thanks and highest appreciation for the contribution and dedication of Mrs. Reini Delfianti while carrying out the Trust in the Company. "We believe that this organizational refresh can bring IPCM even further forward," said Shanti.


Improved Performance

Fundamentally, throughout 2023 IPCM has recorded a net profit of IDR 157.6 billion, an increase of 4.6% from last year's IDR 150.6 billion.

Revenue in 2023 will increase 16.2% from IDR 980 billion to IDR 1.1 trillion with the main contributor in the general port services segment amounting to IDR 525 billion or 46.2% of total revenue, up 4.2% from IDR 504 billion YoY .

Other revenue contributors were Terminal Services for Own Use (TUKS) amounting to IDR 191 billion which contributed 16.8% or an increase of 11.9% YoY and Special Terminals (Tersus) of IDR 343 billion which contributed 30.2% or an increase of 71 .9% YoY.

Then followed by ship management services and other marine services which contributed IDR 31 billion and IDR 46 billion respectively.

In 2023 IPCM will also strengthen its fleet by launching three new piloted motorbikes and one new tugboat and the Company will continue to actively strengthen its business by carrying out collaborative engagements with strategic partners so as to contribute positively to improving the Company's performance.

IPCM's commitment to the public, apart from maintaining aspects of financial performance, is also to implement good corporate governance by prioritizing transparency and disclosure to stakeholders which can be seen from the results of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) assessment with a score of 98.18 points in the predicate "Very Good ”, up from the previous year with a score of 95.93 points.

IPCM's business journey continues to prioritize ESG elements to support sustainable performance, including the commitment to use alternative environmentally friendly ship fuel Biosolar B35 which relatively reduces carbon emissions as a form of reducing negative impacts due to fuel residue; use of shore connections to support the use of energy other than fuel as operational support; utilization of solar panels and management of B3 waste in the port environment.

Apart from that, IPCM also encourages Micro, Small Enterprises (UMK) through development and training programs for Weaving and Woven products in Eastern Indonesia as well as conservation of marine biota and ecosystems such as planting 400 coral reef seedlings and planting 1,000 mangrove trees in North Jakarta.


Improve Service

This year IPCM also opened up optimism and added new strengths through a number of collaborations with strategic partners. On April 1 2024, the Government through the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation officially gave delegation to the Port Business Entity (BUP) PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IDX: IPCM) to carry out Ship Guiding and Towing Services in the waters of Obimayor Island - West Coast in the Waters Area Extraordinary Guide to Laiwui Port, North Maluku Province.

"We are grateful for the trust and full support given by IPCM shareholders, customers, business partners and stakeholders. "We are committed to our services to continue to meet the expectations of service users by continuing to improve and improve service quality for better customer satisfaction," added Managing Director Shanti Puruhita. 

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • IPCM or PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk Distributes Dividends of IDR 118 Billion


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