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Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) again Won the 2024 TOP CSR Awards

31/05/24, 10:01 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-31T03:04:09Z

 – PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) Ana Usaha PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas or SPTP has again demonstrated its commitment to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. For this commitment, the company received an award at the TOP CSR Awards 2024 which was held in Jakarta, Wednesday (29/05/2024).

TTL succeeded in winning two awards at the same time, namely as the winner of the "Very Good" level predicate for supporting the alignment of CSR with the company's business growth strategy, CSR initiatives that adopt Creating Shared Value (CSV) and the implementation of ISO 26000 Social Responsibility (SR), as well as implementing programs that support sustainable business growth.

Apart from that, the Main Director of Pelindo Terminal Petikemas/SPTP, M. Adji and the Main Director of Teluk Lamong Terminal, David Pandapotan Sirait also succeeded in winning the award as TOP Leader on CSR Commitment 2024.

PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas/ SPTP Corporate Secretary Widyaswendra said that as part of the BUMN business group, the company is committed to supporting increased community welfare and environmental sustainability. This commitment also applies to all entities under SPTP management.

"As an operator managing container terminals spread throughout Indonesia, every implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) carried out by the company and its subsidiaries is always linear and integrated, focusing on 3 areas, namely education, the environment and the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). )," he said.

He explained that there were several superior programs that had been implemented to support the achievement of the company's TJSL program objectives. As a form of company support for the education sector, SPTP has carried out various collaborations with universities in the form of matching funds to create innovations and new breakthroughs in the world of ports. In the environmental sector, the SPTP group carries out mangrove planting and coral reef conservation around the work area.

"In the field of community empowerment, we help provide special training for MSMEs with disabilities to market their products digitally in collaboration with the East Java Association for Persons with Disabilities (IKADI)," he explained.

Meanwhile, in his report on the TOP CSR Awards 2024, the chairman of the organizer and CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Top Business Magazine, Moh. Lutfi Handayani explained that hundreds of companies, both private, BUMN and BUMD in Indonesia, had participated in this event, with assessment criteria including the alignment of CSR initiatives with the company's business strategy, CSR policies and programs with the provisions of ISO 26000 SR, CSR governance system, level CSR adoption of the CSV concept and superior CSR innovation.

"This year's TOP CSR Awards have been attended by at least 197 companies that have registered and there are 150 companies that have gone through the presentation process and insight from the jury. We hope that the awards received will be able to encourage companies to continue to improve their CSR programs effectively and with quality. ," he concluded.

(Editorial ISL News/Corcom TTL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) again Won the 2024 TOP CSR Awards


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