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Synergy, Danlanal Visit PT Lingga Marintama in the Citra Borneo Indah Group Industrial Area

30/05/24, 14:26 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-30T07:26:42Z

 – Last Wednesday, May 29 2024, a Danlanal working visit took place as a form of synergy between the Indonesian Navy and PT Pelayaran Lingga Marintama at the PT industrial area. CBUT (Citra Borneo Indah Group).

This visit is a follow-up visit and Lingga Marintama Shipping also welcomed this visit to strengthen the friendship and synergy that has long existed between the two parties.

It was seen that during the visit the two top leaders had a light discussion with each other, in order to continue to be committed to improving coordination and synergy between stakeholders.

"Hopefully the existing coordination and synergy can continue to support the service activities of our shipping fleet and all its supporters, in terms of security," hopes Lingga Marintama management.

(Editor of ISL News/Corcom Lingga Marintama/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Synergy, Danlanal Visit PT Lingga Marintama in the Citra Borneo Indah Group Industrial Area


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