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Rencana Induk Pelabuhan or RIP Port Of Panjang Lampung Still Awaiting Signing

30/05/24, 13:12 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-30T06:14:54Z

  – As part of the Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Bandar Lampung Business Transformation Program, one of which is developing port infrastructure to support increasing port productivity in the future, in the form of a port master plan or commonly known as RIP.

As is known, RIP itself is actually valid for a period of 25 years, but can be reviewed again as a port develops. This means that if it is necessary to support the economic productivity of a region, the RIP of a port can be revised at least every 5 years from the time it is determined by the Government.

So what about the current RIP of Panjang Harbor? Has it been determined by the Government? or not yet ? For this reason, the ISL News Editorial Team on Tuesday 28 May 2024, is again looking for information on RIP's position.

One of them, the ISL News Editorial Team confirmed through Public Relations of the Port Authority Harbor Master's Office or KSOP class 1 Panjang Bandar Lampung.

Through his WhatsApp message, KSOP Panjang Lampung Public Relations initially directed it to the LaLa (Sea Transport Traffic) sector, because RIP is the authority or domain of the LaLa sector.

Then the ISL News Editor tried to ask for a cellphone number. For direct confirmation, contact the LaLa KSOP Class 1 Long field official.

But then, Public Relations answered via WhatsApp message that, RIP was already at the center, just waiting for the sign (signature) or signature (Minister of Transportation-Ed).

(ISL News Editorial/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).

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  • Rencana Induk Pelabuhan or RIP Port Of Panjang Lampung Still Awaiting Signing


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