SURABAYA (ISL News) - PT Pelabuhahn Indonesia (Persero) together with the Surabaya City Government have begun discussing plans to operate the Teluk Lamong Terminal flyover. This flyover is part of the Teluk Lamong Terminal development project which aims to improve connectivity and smooth traffic flow in the area.
The Fly Over operation plan was discussed in the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Issuance of a Certificate of Functionality (SLF) for the Teluk Lamong Fly Over Terminal, at the DoubleTree Hotel Surabaya, Monday (29/04/2024). The FGD was attended by the Pelindo Investment Director, the Mayor of Surabaya, representatives of the Ministry of PUPR, and the Ministry of Transportation as well as a number of related agencies. In this case, the Surabaya City Government and Pelindo are focusing on issuing a suitable function certificate (SLF) by the Surabaya City Government as one of the requirements for Fly Over operations.
Pelindo Investment Director Boy Robyanto on this occasion said that he hopes that the Surabaya City Government can immediately issue a Certificate of Functionality (SLF). He said that he had prepared all the necessary requirements so that this facility could be enjoyed by not only Pelindo but also the community and government.
"The current condition of the TTL Flyover has been completed and is ready to be operated, hopefully after this we can immediately use it together with the support of Mayor Mas Eri. "Moreover, some of us have been used by the city government for access when there are GBT Stadium activities." Said Boy Robyanto
The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, who came to this activity, said that the city government fully supports the plan to operate the Fly Over. He even asked that the plan be realized immediately because it will provide many benefits to all parties, especially the community, considering that the TTL Fly Over is connected to access to the Gelora Stadium. Bung Tomo Surabaya.
"We fully support this plan, SLF has no problems. The hope is that this year it can be used by the public so that traffic connectivity in the area will be smoother. Moreover, this is connected to the road to GBT." Said Eri Cahyadi, Mayor of Surabaya.
The 2.4 KM Teluk Lamong Terminal Fly Over built by Pelindo is one of the national strategic projects based on Presidential Decree No. 3 of 2016 and will be completed in 2021. The existence of this Fly Over aims to improve land and sea traffic connectivity in the Teluk Lamong Terminal area, Surabaya. This access is also planned to be connected to the West Outer Ring Road (JLLB) prepared by the Surabaya City Government.
(Editor of ISL News/Pelindo Regional 3 Surabaya Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).