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KADIN Kota Jakarta Utara Holds RAPIMKOTA IV/2024 with the theme "Seizing North Jakarta UMKM Opportunities in Global Business"

30/05/24, 09:58 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-30T02:59:37Z

  – Today Wednesday (29/05/2024), at the Ball Room of the Sunlake Sunter Hotel, North Jakarta, a City Leadership Meeting or RAPIMKOTA IV/2024 took place, which was opened by Wawan Budi Rohkman, Economic Development Assistant representing Mayor of North Jakarta who was unable to attend.

Present at the RAPIMKOTA IV North Jakarta KADIN event included the Mayor of North Jakarta Administration, represented by the Assistant for Economic Development. Also present were the Commander of Kolinlamil Rear Admiral TNI Mr. Hudiarto Krisno Utomo, PSC (J), MA, MMS, CHRMP, Head of Tanjung Priok Main Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP), Mr. M.Takwim Masuku, ST, M.MT, Chairman of Jakarta City Chamber of Commerce and Industry North, General Chairperson of the Jakarta Special Region KADIN (DKJ), Mrs. Hj. Diana Dewi, Mr. DR.H. Sungkono Ali, MBA, MM, MSc and their staff. Chairman of the North Jakarta City KADIN Advisory Board Mr. H. Sulkarnaen, S.PEL, MM and his staff. Chairman of the North Jakarta City KADIN Advisory Council, Mr. Soetomo Soepar and his staff.

On this occasion were also present the Deputy General Chairmen of KADIN DK Jakarta, the Chairmen of City KADIN, namely Mr. Yan Wahyu Widodo, Mr. Affan Siregar, Mr. Victor Aritonang, Mr. Anta Ginting. Association Leaders, Associations, Extraordinary Member Associations of North Jakarta KADIN, Participants and Invitations and happy attendees.

Ketua Umum KADIN Daerah Khusus Jakarta, Hj. Diana Dewi, on the occasion of her speech said that the implementation of RAPIMKOTA IV of 2024 of the North Jakarta City KADIN is a mandate of the AD and ART of KADIN, especially Article 30 of the Articles of Association in accordance with KEPPRES Number 18 of 2022 concerning Approval of Changes to the Articles of Association and Bylaws of KADIN, where the Board of Directors Meeting organization in the context of evaluation, coordination, synchronization and synergistic efforts in planning and implementing inter-level programs at their respective levels.

"KADIN DKI Jakarta welcomes the theme of RAPIMKOTA IV/2024 KADIN North Jakarta City which is very relevant to current conditions, namely: "Seizing North Jakarta MSME Opportunities in Global Business",  and the Sub-theme:  "Raising Local Potential and Collaboration of North Jakarta MSMEs in the Development of Jakarta As a Global City,"  said the Head of the Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hj. Diana Dewi.

It is said, as one of the metropolitan cities located on the north coast of Java Island, North Jakarta has enormous potential in developing the MSME sector. With a strategic position, North Jakarta has easy access to domestic and international markets because it is located near the ocean and is also the location of the main port in Jakarta and the busiest in Indonesia, namely Tanjung Priok Port. Apart from that, this area is also known as a center for trade, industry and tourism which is an attraction for business people.

However, as a global business icon, continued Ketum Diana Dewi, North Jakarta is also faced with various challenges and increasingly fierce competition in the global market. For this reason, the role of MSMEs in developing and strengthening the region's economy is very crucial. MSMEs are the backbone of the Indonesian economy, contributing around 60% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creating jobs for around 97% of the workforce.

"There needs to be strategic steps to take advantage of North Jakarta MSME opportunities in global business. First, MSME players need to strengthen their competitiveness and product innovation through training and assistance in terms of management, marketing and product development that are of higher quality and in accordance with international standards and the Government together with stakeholders can also provide easier access and facilities for MSMEs to accessing global markets, such as international exhibitions and digital platforms," ​​he explained.

Apart from internal factors, said Hj. Diana Dewi, also needs to pay attention to external factors such as a conducive business environment and regulations. The government needs to create policies that support the growth of MSMEs, such as clear and efficient investment policies, as well as adequate legal protection for MSMEs. Apart from that, the government also needs to provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, such as transportation and information technology, which can make it easier for MSMEs to do business.

"North Jakarta also has dozens of coastal tourist attractions, one of which is Taman Impian Jaya Ancol which has a beautiful beach and several recreational rides like Disneyland in other countries and also other tourist attractions with marine nuances. "For this reason, a good investment climate is needed so that it has an impact on the development of local tourism and also increases the development of MSME businesses as a collaboration with all parties," he explained.

"Thus, we can conclude that achieving opportunities for North Jakarta MSMEs in global business requires cooperation between the Government, KADIN, business associations and MSMEs themselves. "By developing the capacity and competitiveness of MSMEs, as well as creating a conducive business environment, we can strengthen North Jakarta's position as a global business center that is able to compete and contribute to the Indonesian economy," said Hj. Diana Dewi.

"Congratulations on RAPIMKOTA IV/2024 North Jakarta City KADIN, hopefully it can run well and produce appropriate work programs and recommendations for business actors, KADIN and Regional Government," said Hj. Diana Dewi, closed her remarks.

Ketua Kadin Kota Jakarta Utara, Dr. Sungkono Ali added that the RAPIMKOTA IV/20024 event was divided into three, first the opening ceremony, which was attended by the Mayor, and all the invitees including associations related to the role of Kadin. The second, Discussion Panel, which presented resource persons from the North Jakarta Administrative City UMKM Sub-department. "And thirdly, the RAPIMKOTA IV/2024 Implementation Event itself, which was attended only by Kadin members," said Dr. Sungkono Ali.

And, from RAPIMKOTA IV/2024, continued Sungkono Ali, his party as Management, will submit the RAPIMKOTA Results Report to the relevant parties. "We convey this to the Mayor, Trustees, and related parties as input for collaboration with the Economic Development Program, especially the one that will be implemented by the North Jakarta Administrative City Government," added Sungkono Ali.


Becoming a Global City

On the occasion of opening the RAPIMKOTA IV /2024 Event, Wawan Budi Rokhman, Assistant for Economic Development for the City Administration of North Jakarta, who in this case represented the Mayor who was unable to attend, said that currently Jakarta is no longer a Special Capital Region (DKi) but has changed became the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ).

"This DKJ status is certainly in line with the theme of North Jakarta City Chamber of Commerce's RAPIMKOTA IV/2024, namely  Achieving North Jakarta MSME Opportunities in Global Business ,"  said Wawan Budi Rokhman.

It is said, in Jakarta's status as a Global City, there are two things that must be the focus of attention of the government and all residents of Jakarta, namely Attracting and Encouraging.

"First, it is attractive in the sense that the Special Region of Jakarta must attract investment from outside to continue to develop in the City of Jakarta. The existence of investment will certainly have an impact on the MSME sector in the future. Second, encourage, in this case continuously encourage local business actors, in this case MSMEs, to continue to improve their capacity/skills/business performance. "To encourage this, we, the North Jakarta city government, have implemented the Jakarta Entrepreneur Program. "This is what we must develop together, the North Jakarta City Chamber of Commerce and all its members," explained Wawan.

"And congratulations on implementing RAPIMKOTA IV/2024, we are waiting for the results, which we will later collaborate with the North Jakarta City Government Program," added Wawan Budi Rokhman.

And on the occasion of the City Meeting, the Head of the Main KSOP office, M. Takwim Masuku, expressed his hope to all North Jakarta City KADIN Management and Members to support the realization of the Port Master Plan or RIP for Tanjung Priok Port which is currently in the implementation stage.

"The existence of this RIP will certainly support the economic development of North Jakarta residents, because the RIP integrates economic development for the East side down to Marunda. "And for the West side, development of the Sunda Kelapa Port, so that it is in line with Jakarta's current status towards its vision of becoming a Global City," he said.

(Editorial ISL News/SFL/SFT/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • KADIN Kota Jakarta Utara Holds RAPIMKOTA IV/2024 with the theme "Seizing North Jakarta UMKM Opportunities in Global Business"


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